Floor Plans!!

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Hello guys, gals, and non-binary pals! 

I've made several floor plans, the Weasley/LeStrange flat, the Ravenclaw Common room and dorms, the Hufflepuff Common room and dorms, the Gryffindor Common room and dorms, and the Slytherin common room and dorms. 

I hope that these help you visualize what I talk about in this fic, and make Hogwarts feel more real!

These are just my interpretations of the common rooms and everyone has different ideas so please be kind! If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or send me a message!

***Please note that the blue lines along some of the walls are where the windows are located in each build! In the Slytherin common room, the windows open up to the lake instead of the actual outside which gives every room a nice pale green glow!***

***Please note that the blue lines along some of the walls are where the windows are located in each build! In the Slytherin common room, the windows open up to the lake instead of the actual outside which gives every room a nice pale green glow!***

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The Weasley/LeStrange Flat^^^

Ravenclaw common room (left) Ravenclaw dorm layout (right)^^^^

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Ravenclaw common room (left) Ravenclaw dorm layout (right)^^^^

- Located on the 5th floor. The base of the Ravenclaw tower is the common room. To get to the dorms, head up the spiral staircase in the middle of the room!

-Floor to ceiling windows

-Tutoring sessions happen in here, but you've got to have a personal invitation from a Ravenclaw to get into the session

- The bookshelves are magical. They can sense what book you need at any moment and will present it to you.

- Very bright, very airy, perfect acoustics

- The walls are covered in murals, half-finished plans, notes, concepts, book quotes, movie recommendations, all put there by present and past students.

- A few practice dummies lying around makes it a great place to practice your charm work

- Big tables, chairs, and couches make it the perfect place for late-night study sessions.

- Big tables, chairs, and couches make it the perfect place for late-night study sessions

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Hufflepuff common room (left) Hufflepuff dorm layout (right)^^^^

- The roof of the common room is made of glass, from the outside, however, it just looks like another herbology greenhouse.

- it's always super warm inside so the many plants don't die

- pure oxygen is pumped into the common room so the plants don't die, which makes the air quality absolutely perfect

- if you look hard enough, and know enough about plants, you'll be able to spot a few cannabis plants growing in the plant wall

- students use the plants and flowers they grow in the plant walls to create their own signature tea blends that they store at the tea station in the middle of the room

- hufflepuffs tend to do their homework in big groups so the desks are always being moved around the room.

- because the dorm rooms are below the common room, they don't have windows. To make up for it, the wallpaper in the dorm has been charmed to mimic the sun. It's bright and warm, and at night it's dark and cool.

Gryffindor Common room (left) Gryffindor dorm layout (right)^^^^

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Gryffindor Common room (left) Gryffindor dorm layout (right)^^^^

- The fire is always going, day or night

- the best common room to have parties in hands down

- the chairs and couches are totally overstuffed and the best spot to take naps

- the common room is always changing because students who are stressed about upcoming exams, or the final quidditch match are constantly moving furniture around when they can't sleep

- from the common room, if you look up, you can see all the way to the top of the tower.

- on really windy days, the top few floors of the tower tend to sway in the wind, enough to notice, but not enough to be worried about.

- the girls and boys on the same floor tend to have water balloon fights across the opening in the middle of their floor

- the benches along the windows in the common room are almost completely hidden by big drapes and curtains, making it the best spot to have a snog session

- the benches along the windows in the common room are almost completely hidden by big drapes and curtains, making it the best spot to have a snog session

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Complete Slytherin common room and dorms layout^^^

- the entire thing is under the lake, the hallway from the dungeon corridor to the common room is about a five-minute walk

- mermaids swim by the windows all the time, if you're lucky they will stop and play tic-tac-toe with you on the fogged glass.

- the walls are covered in vines and other plants that do well in the dark

- there is no overhead light, but there are hundreds of candles all over the place. When they are all lit they create beautiful shadows along the walls of the common room and dorms

- the floors are covered in handmade rugs from previous students, and the couches and chairs have handmade blankets that have been charmed to be warmer than normal blankets

- the walls and floor are made of black stone, the furniture tends to be dark green and grey to stand out against the walls.

- the fireplace was jinxed to burn green a long time ago and no one can figure out how to change it back to normal. The fireplace and candles automatically light if someone walks into the room, saving time and matches.

- both the boys and girls corridors are lined with portraits of previous Slytherin prefects, and other famous Slytherins that have passed away. They give great advice if you need it.


So there it is! All of the common rooms and the Weasley/LeStrange floor plan! I really hope this helps you visualize what I describe cause it helps me! Much love and happy reading!!

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