Chapter 67- Ophelia's POV

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The last time we were all together at Nan and Pops shit hit the fan and everyone was in the splash zone. I want to say that this time was different... but we all know that the Weasley's have a problem with the whole getting along thing.

"What's Victoire doing here?" James snaps as he watches Aunt Fleur, Uncle Bill, Dom, Lou, and Vic all land in the front yard from their portkey.

"Cause she's related to us?" I say coming up to him.

"Teddy's here."


"And, Teddy deserves one bloody holiday without her around!" James says loudly. Aunt Ginny glances over at us frowning, but she doesn't say anything.

The door opens and Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur come in with big smiles on their faces, "Bonjour! Bonjour! My beautiful family!" Aunt Fleur says loudly taking off her coat and handing it to Uncle Bill.

"It smells great in here Mum, sorry we're late." Uncle Bill says, placing a kiss on Nan's cheek.

"You're just in time, come in come in!" Nan gives Aunt Fleur a hug and they all come into the room. James, Albus, and Lily are all giving Victoire a dangerous look but it doesn't look like any adults are noticing the tension.

"Let's see, how about we do youngest to oldest for dinner?" Pops says coming into the living room where most of us are, "Does that make sense for everyone?"

"Makes perfect sense to me!" Jordan says hopping up from her spot on the couch and racing Annie to the kitchen. Gilbert, Lucy, and Theo follow, then Hugo and Lily, then Cass, Darcy, and I.

"Haven't heard from you in a while." I can hear Darcy half-whisper to Cass.

"What do you mean? We hung out at my Dad's birthday party."

"Yeah but after we uh, you went back upstairs and ignored me for the rest of the night."

"You keep disappearing out of my life and reappearing and doing things... like..." Cassie's voice is so quiet that I can't hear her anymore, especially not since Rose came up beside me and put her arm around my shoulders.

"Ugh, do you know how much it sucks not having you at Hogwarts?" She sighs.

"Can't suck as much as Scorpius," Louis says behind us.

Rose and I turn around in the food line and look at every one. Scorpius is bright red, so is Albus. Freddie and Lou are laughing and James looks very lost.

"What have you been sucking on Scor?" I say to him.

Louis clears his throat but it sounds a lot like 'Albus' and he and Freddie lose their minds again.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on. You two walked in on them!?" Rose whisper shouts, not wanting to let any of our parents hear. "When!?"

"Let's see, when was Dad's birthday?" Freddie says.

My eyes go wide, "You got off in our flat!?"

"Not the flat, lower," Louis says in between giggles.

"Oh god!" Rose and I say at the same time.

Darcy hands Rose and me plates, "What are you two on about? Looks like you're going to be sick."

"Might just be. You two haven't been getting it on in the shop too have you?" I say to Darcy and Cass.

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