Chapter 27-Ophelia's POV

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Dad tells us to be as quiet as possible when we are bringing our trunks and things up the back stairs, given that Annie's room is the one closest to the back of the flat and we dunno if she's sleeping.

"Go put your things in your room, and I want wands in the vase at the front door before anyone does anything," Dad says. Before opening the door and letting us all into the flat.

We do as we are told. I drop my trunk off in my room, everything is just how I left it. The big four-poster bed that I've got takes up nearly the entire room but it's totally worth it cause I've got the biggest bed in the house besides mum and dads. I fish my wand out of my trunk before leaving my room. We've got a wand vase at the front door, mostly cause dad always misplaces his wand when he's around the house. But also so that when we are home, we don't try to pull any underage magic out of our asses.

Once my wand is away, I walk into the kitchen. Mum is sitting at our big, round dining table, looking out the massive window at Diagon Alley below us. She's got all her hair in a huge bun on the top of her head, no make up on at all. She's wearing Dad's tartan pyjama pants and her old Slytherin alumni jumper. It's not a real secret that my mum is pretty, she's stunning all the time, never a hair out of place when we're in public and she carries herself with a sort of confidence. She calls it the 'Black family elegance' and talks about how everyone who's related to the Blacks have that casual elegance about them. I can see it in Cass and Freddie and Theo and Annie, but not me. I've got the goofy walk of a Weasley. Not that I'm complaining at all, it would just be nice to have that easy beauty that Mums got.

Like now, she's in her pyjamas, her hairs a mess, she's sipping on a tea, her knees are up by her chin, but she's beautiful. I like her so much better like this than when she's trying to look good.

"Hiya mummy. You miss me?" I sing as I walk into the kitchen.

Mum's entire face lights up. She puts her cup down fast and a bit of tea splashes out the side of it. "Course I missed you, my darling Ophelia." He wraps her arms around me and pulls me into her chest. She smells like she always does, faint vanilla perfume and lavender soap.

"Mum you're suffocating me," I grumble. Which only makes her hug me tighter. She lets go shortly after.

"Pizza's in the fridge, help yourself to some dinner." She kisses my forehead before she fully lets me go get food.

As I'm warming up my food, Mum showers Cass with the same amount of love and affection that she just gave me. Then it's Freddie's turn. He's such a mama's boy it's funny to watch. His tough guy, I'll fight you dead, grr look at me, act instantly melts away when Mum hugs him.

"Hello, Love," Dad says to Mum. I watch the two of them out of the corner of my eye. Mum's face looks like it physically softens when she's looking at Dad. It's a lot of pressure to have the perfect relationship when your parents have been together since they were thirteen and have been perfect and lovey and romantic the entire time.

"Okay come sit, sit, sit, sit. Tell me everything and anything. I want to hear it all." Mum says once we've all got our food. Theo sits on Mum's lap. In my opinion, he's getting too old to do shit like that but Mum doesn't bat an eye.

"Freddie Bear's got a girlfriend and Dad invited her over for dinner over the holiday," I say. Fred shoots me a look and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Freddie Bear hmm?" Mum laughs.
We go on to tell mum and dad anything and everything that has happened so far, I make sure to leave out my plans on becoming an Animagus. Chandler and I have agreed to try and sneak down into Knockturn alley this holiday. He's going to come by the shop and we'll bum around for a bit before trying to sneak off. Cass leaves out the fact that she has been getting close to Darcy a lot recently. I want to say something, just like I said something about Freddie but I decide against it. Cass doesn't do well in that kind of situation and I know that Freddie can handle the jokes and things.

"Wait, so Poppy is her name right?" Mum says to Freddie. He takes a drink of his water and nods, "And Poppy, couldn't tell the difference between Cass and Leah?"

Everyone starts laughing really hard and Mum has to shush us so we can let Annabeth sleep.

"I mean, Fred and I had the same face so I sort of understood when people got us confused," Dad says. He pours himself some tea and refills Mums cup as well, "But Cassie and Leah..." We all start laughing again and Mum's got to shush us.

"Alright guys, hop off to bed, it's getting late and you still got to get all your laundry from school together so you can help your mum do it tomorrow," Dad says. He stretches his arms up in the air and makes a very Dad noise before putting one of his arms around mum's shoulders.

"Or we can watch a movie in our pyjamas and stay up all night?" I suggest wiggling my eyebrows.

Mum laughs, "Not tonight darling go on. Clothes in hampers and heads on pillows."

Cass, Freddie, Theo, and I all groan at the same time which makes Mum and Dad laugh. "A movie sounds better mummy," Theo says matter of factly.

Dad pushes Theo's head playfully, "Says the one that's already up past his bedtime. Get on with it."

Theo grumbles but he pecks Mum on the cheek and hops off her lap, shuffling out of the kitchen and into his room.

"You three too. I'll see your beautiful faces in the morning." Mum says in that sing-song voice that she uses when she's tired. One by one we all get up and give Mum and Dad a hug each before going into our respective rooms.

As soon as my door is closed I pop open my trunk and shuffle through my things to find the book on animagi that I may or may not have stolen from the library at school. I change into some pyjamas, turn off the overhead light, turn on the flashlight on my phone, and start reading.

I've got to get this down pact, not like I'll be given a second chance or anything. If I fuck it up I'll be stuck in a half-animal form for the rest of my life. And I think that'll be a little hard to explain to Mum and Dad.

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