Part 2, Chapter 54- Violet's POV

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***A/N*** Uh hey lol. So I know this isn't the weekend but I've been working on this chapter all day and I didn't want to wait to upload it so here it is! The above picture is of **sorry spoiler alert** Emma's engagement ring! That's about it, I'll be back next weekend for our regularly scheduled programming. Or Wednesday. Who knows at this point. Lots of love!


The side of the bed behind me creaks and moves as George shifts his weight. I roll over and try to snake my arms around my husband but all I feel is an empty bed. I groan and open one of my eyes,

"Come back to bed," I yawn.

George laughs and hops into some jeans, "It's nine in the morning, Anderson and Charlotte are already downstairs getting the shop ready and open." He turns around and smiles down at me, "And I've got to go meet with Freddie and Ron about that thing."

I stretch my arms up and yawn again, "Right that thing."

"You don't remember do you?" He asks as he sifts through the dresser to find a shirt.

I sit up in bed and pull the comforter around me and over my head so the only thing showing is my face, "No I remember. Blah, blah, blah, another location so that Fred doesn't feel so useless."

"Blah, blah, blah another location. You're such a good business manager." Once he's got a shirt on he crawls over the bed and pecks my forehead before going over to the bedroom door, "I'll be out all day eh?"

"Make sure you remember to get the kids from Kings Cross tonight please and thank you." I get out of bed bringing the comforter with me. There's no way I'm letting my husband out of this flat without a proper kiss and he knows that.

"Kids? What kids?" George jokes as he pulls me in for a hug.

I laugh against his chest, "Annabeth, Theodore, Cassiopeia, Theseus, and Ophelia?"

"Never heard those names before," George pulls away just slightly and gives me a proper kiss on the lips, "The train pulls up at seven tonight. I'll be there. Even though they're old enough to just apparate home."

"You know how I feel about that Georgie. Not having someone there to pick you up feels like your parents don't care whether you come home or not."

"I know darling." George looks me up and down and smirks, "Please get dressed if you go down to the shop today."

"Nah I'm thinking of just heading down there as naked as the day I was born."

George rolls his eyes and peppers my face with small kisses, "I love you, be home later."

"Bring my kids home in once piece Weasley! Love you!" I say in response as George leaves our room and makes his way through the flat. I can hear the back door open and close and suddenly the flat feels so empty. It feels empty all the time now, now that all of our kids are either at Hogwarts or halfway across the world with their fiancé. Call it empty nest syndrome if you want. All I know is that I miss my damn kids.

I get dressed in something comfortable, with no plans to head downstairs. The day the kids come back from Hogwarts is always a slow one, Charlotte and Anderson can take care of it.

I put on a pair of really big sleep shorts and one of George's jumpers before putting on the Hippogriff slippers that George got me for Christmas a couple of years back and head out into the kitchen.

It's a lazy day. Not that I would want it to be anything different. Freddie's plane lands at ten tonight, my other babies are home at seven. There's not much to do around here until then. I put the kettle on for my morning tea and shuffle into the living room, turning on the muggle news so I can see what's going on in the other world.

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