Part 2, Chapter 79- Cassiopeia's POV

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***A/N*** Hello! You asked for Greek-speaking Theseus and I will provide lmao! That's about it honestly. I'll be back tomorrow with a new chapter. Lots of love to you and yours xx


Nothing like finding out your boyfriend got in a huge fight a week after it happened.

He said that he got hurt when he was practicing for his Defense Against the Dark Arts practical. I really shouldn't have believed a word that came out of his mouth.

"What do you mean you decided it would be a good idea to simply punch a man Theseus?"

He rolls his eyes, "You say it like I went out there planning on punching him. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing and it was to defend my family. I'd do it again if I got the chance."

"Defending your family...?"

He shrugs, "Some μαλάκα was talking shit about Ophelia and Ash on the quidditch pitch after practice. ο ομοφοβικός μπάσταρδος πήρε αυτό που του άξιζε." (Translation- asshole [...] the homophobic bastard got what he deserved.)

I started trying to learn Greek when I first started dating Theseus. It's a pretty language, and it's also really hot when he slips back and forth from Greek to English when he's upset about something. But when he speaks his native tongue he always goes so fast and despite how much I think I know about the language, I always realize that I know next to nothing.

"I don't like when you get violent Theseus," I say to him pretending like I know what he just said, "It scares me."

Theseus' face drops, "You're scared of me?"

I shake my head no and step closer to him so I can hold his hands. I kiss the injured knuckles softly and look up at his face, "I'm not scared of you my love. I'm scared of fights and punching things."

"You weren't scared of it before..." He whispers.

"Well before I have never been hit. Before I never had to watch someone I love get beat." I wrap my arms around his torso and hug him tightly, "Please just use your words from now on? Pretty please?"

Theseus sighs and hugs me back, "Well cause you asked so nicely..."

"Πολλά ευχαριστώ," I say, really hoping that it means what I think it means.

Theseus laughs, "What was that?"

"Uh... thank you?"

He laughs even more and kisses the top of my head, "You just said many thanks. Thank you is, σας ευχαριστώ. But I love you for trying."

"It really just sounds like you're saying the same thing that I just said if I'm being totally honest with you right now," I say pulling away from my boyfriend and sitting down on the common room sofa.

Theseus sits down with me and we face each other, each of us leaning on an armrest with our legs intertwined in the middle.

"What else have you taught yourself to say hm?" Theseus asks me, "I might be able to help."

"Oh, you might be able to help huh? You're only fluent in both languages but yeah there's a slight possibility that you might be able to help me."

Theseus smiles and kicks my legs, "I'm serious."

I roll my eyes, most of the stuff that I taught myself I was going to use in the bedroom to surprise him and I don't really think that saying 'fuck me Theseus' or 'do you have a condom' in the middle of the common room is a great idea.

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