Chapter 35- Cassiopeia's POV

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"I'm never going to complain about Mum and Dad ever again," I say when we get home from the Malfoy Manor. Freddie smiles a bit before locking himself in his room.

"Look, I'm sorry I was such a shitty person and told James about the crap that Freddie did," Leah says to me. "I don't want you to hate me anymore."

She looks like she might cry, which is a rare sight, but after the things that Narcissa said to us today... "I don't hate you, Ophelia."

She smiles, "Freddie hates me."

I look at his closed bedroom door a little ways down the hall, "Yeah well, he'll just have to get over himself won't he?"

"You think Mum's going to be alright after all this?" she asks me softly.


I can hear the front door smash open, "Violet? Vi are you here?" Auntie Em calls through the flat. Ophelia and I look at each other for a moment before walking down the hallway to see what's going on.

"Girls, where's your mum?" Uncle Walter says from his spot behind Auntie Em.

"I think she's still out in the back with Dad. We just got in the house." Ophelia says.

Auntie Em looks at Darcy, who I just noticed, "Darcy go play with the twins, or whatever thirteen-year-olds do nowadays. Walter, you come with me."

"No really Em, I thought I'd sit on the couch and turn on a sappy Christmas movie." Uncle Walter says, his words soaked in sarcasm. Auntie Em grabs onto his hand and pulls him out of the doorway and down the hall to the back door.

"Uh, how did you two even get in through the front? The shops closed!" Leah calls after them but they don't respond.

We both look at Darcy, who's in the process of kicking off his shoes, "Uncle George texted mum when you were just leaving the Malfoy Manor I guess, then she told me to get dressed and apparated us to Uncle Walters, she snatched him and then we came here."

"So you just apparated into the shop. Fantastic." Leah says rolling her eyes.

Darcy hangs up his coat on one of the free hooks by the door, "You say it like I was the one that thought it was a good idea." He looks at us, "Was it really as bad as mums acting like it was?"

Neither Leah or I say anything and Darcy seems to take the hint. "Well... what do you want to do?" He says.

Ophelia's phone lights up, she pulls it out from her dress pocket and looks at it for a second before smiling and typing furiously. "I'm going to get changed and I'm heading out. You two find something to entertain yourselves with."

"You're going out? After what happened today?" I say looking at her with a frown.

Ophelia just rolls her eyes. "I've got a life outside of this family you know. Mum blew up a chair and we were called blood traitors or whatever. I'm over it." She turns away and rushes into her room, probably to get changed out of the dress that mum forced her to wear.

"I'm going to get changed too. Make yourself at home, I'll be back." I say to Darcy. I don't give him a chance to say anything, I just walk away.

I pass Theo's room, his door is open, and Dad is sitting on his bed, Annie on one side of him, Theo, on the other. I don't think they really understand what happened today. Sure Theo probably knows more than what he was letting on but I bet you a hundred galleons that Annabeth is clueless.

Ophelia pushes past me in the hall, her hair is back to being frizzy and wild somehow and she's got on tattered jeans and an old jumper. "Dad I'm going out in the alley with Chandler!" She shouts before the front door opens and slams shut.

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