Part 82- Cassiopeia's POV

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**A/N** Hi guys! So the world is pretty insane right now, especially if you're living in the states so I'm going to be trying to update twice a day till the 11th when I go back to school. Not only to distract myself from the world but also to hopefully distract you guys from the world as well! also after the 11th my posting schedule might get a little wonky because university is annoying. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Last time I was at a quidditch match my twin sister nearly died.

I haven't been to a match since, no matter who was playing. I know that makes me sound like a bad sister to Freddie, and a bad cousin to everyone else but it really stressed me out to think of going to one.

But I'm going today, beats sitting around and practicing for my charms practical. One of the charms that we've been practicing allows you to understand languages that you don't speak. Honestly, the only thing that is actually useful I've learned in a class at Hogwarts. I've gotten good, good to the point that I can cast it non verbally and wandless.

I walk from breakfast to the pitch by myself. Theseus has been leaving me alone the past few days. I dunno what Freddie said to him to get me to leave me be, but he's befriended the girls in my dorm along with the other boys in our year and it's like I fell from his mind completely.

Which is fine by me, I don't care. It's better than being followed by some mysterious Greek transfer student who acts like everyone in the world is in love with him or something.

Quidditch will take my mind off of Theseus, I'm sure of it. I'll be too worried about Freddie, Scorpius, and Molly, to worry about some dumb boy.

When I get to the pitch Albus, Louis Scorpius, Darcy, Hugo, and Lily all wave me over to where they are standing. Dominique is near them, but not interacting with them at all. She has a clipboard out with a camera connected to it, probably to record the match and study the moves of the teams playing so she can get the Slytherins prepared for their upcoming game.

"Surprised to see you. I would have thought you'd be off doing whatever it is that you do during the day." Albus says, giving me a hug.

"If Freddie dies, I want to be here to see it," I say as I squish down the line of seats and sit between Lou and Hugo. I make sure not to position myself near Darcy. I've got a bad feeling that if I do, this match isn't going to be very enjoyable.

Theseus and his gang of infatuated girls climb up the stands and sit in the row right in front of me and my family. I swear he made sure to be sitting right in front of me which pisses me off.

"Can you say something in Greek Theseus?" Georgette asks him as she purposely brushes her shoulder against his.

Theseus laughs, and I think it's genuine, something I haven't heard before. He leans in closer to her before he speaks. I quickly cast that charm that I've been practicing so I can hear and understand what he says. Not that I'm worried that he's going to say something special to her or anything. It's more just practice for my charms practical. There's nothing wrong with practicing charms at a quidditch match.

"Ξέρω ότι μπορείς να με ακούσεις Cassiopeia. Ελάτε να καθίσετε μαζί μου," (translation- I know you can hear me Cassiopeia. Come sit with me.) Theseus looks over his shoulder just slightly as he speaks, looking at me instead of Georgette.

I clear my throat and disband the charm that I've cast. Louis gives me a look, one of his eyebrows raised, almost as if he's going to ask me a question and has decided against it. Even Dominique looks over for a second, peeling her eyes away from her clipboard.

"What did that mean?" Georgette says dreamily, "It sounded romantic."

Theseus laughs, "I said, you look like a Greek queen, and your eye's sparkle like the ocean," he shifts in his seat and turns around as he does it, making eye contact with me. Georgette and her friends are giggling too much to realize what just happened. If they had any brains then they would have cast the same charm that I just did and they would know that he is a lying piece of scum.

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