Chapter 91- Freddie's POV

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"Bloody hell Potter! Why didn't you tell me that your mother was coming?"

Kate closes the tent tightly and spins around to glare at James, "The entire bloody Weasley clan is in the stands! The Charlie Weasley is going to watch me captain the Gryffindor team and you bastards didn't give me a heads up!?"

"To be fair, he's probably going to be focused on Dominique's captaining given that he's her uncle and everything," I say.

"And Ginny Potter is gonna be focused on, I dunno Carter, her son?" James adds.

Kate looks at the team, "I need you all on your best behaviour. If I don't walk out of here with a cup I will kill you all."

"Sorry to interrupt your pep talk captain,"

We all look at the entrance of the tent. Mum and Dad are standing there. Instant embarrassment fills my entire body. It's bad enough my family is here to see me play, but now they have to come into the changerooms? I'm gonna barf.

"Mister Weasley, oh wow I've heard so much about your time on the Gryffindor team." Kate nearly starts fangirling.

"Freddie bear? Can we have a word please?" Mum asks.

James and Rose snicker and I swat at them before going over to my parents. They lead me out of the tent before they start talking.

"You nervous?" Dad asks.

I shake my head no, "Just another game."

"That's my boy."

Mum smiles, "Freddie, I'm sorry to bring this up right before your game... but have you seen Cassie since your meeting with McGonagall?"

"She yelled at me and threw some insults my way after she got that thing on her wrist. Told me she never wants to see me again blah, blah, blah. She's not in the stands? I would have figured she'd be here cheering on her house."

"If she is we haven't seen her," Mum says. She pulls me in for a hug and kisses my forehead a few times which is amusing cause I'm a few inches taller than her, "Go out there and kick ass Freddie. Stay safe, keep your eye on your surroundings, Mummy loves you."

I pretend to be all grossed out and awkward because I know that my team is watching me but my Mum's the sweetest woman alive, and I'm a total mumma's boy.

"Alright Vi, that's enough. Poor kid's gonna get bullied." Dad laughs. He ruffles up my hair and sends me back into the tent, "Kick ass Freddie Bear!" He shouts.

"Only bullies I have are my parents!" I shout before going into the tent again.

"Got a pep talk from Mummy?" Ollie says.

Before I can respond Marmaduke's voice rings through the stadium, "Hello Hogwarts! Today's a big day with even bigger guests! If you haven't noticed, Ginevra Potter is in the stands today! Yes, you heard that right, Hollyhead Harpies award-winning Chaser is here at Hogwarts watching our students play!" The crowd goes absolutely ape shit and Marmaduke waits till they settle down to keep talking, "McGonagall would like me to inform you all that Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Minister of Magic Hermione Granger are also in the stands? But they didn't single-handedly take their quidditch team to the worlds so I don't see why I have to introduce them. Anyways! Let's meet our teams shall we?"

The crowd starts to chant the Gryffindor cheer and instantly my nerves settle. Quidditch is one of the things that I'm best at and I'm going to prove that today. Couse a bit of me wants to throw the game so that Dom can take the cup home instead of Kate but I know if I did that then both of them would beat the shit out of me.

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