Chapter 5- Cassiopeia's POV

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After I fix Fred's face I slink back into my compartment where all of my friends are sitting.

"You're brother's an idiot," Rose says to all of us.

Scorpius shrugs, "If someone was talking about my mum like that I would have done a lot worse than break their nose."

Rose instantly softens and actually agrees with him. I look at Albus trying to ask him, 'you know what that's all about?' without actually using words. It doesn't work cause Albus just looks at me with a blank look on his face. Idiot.

I sit down beside Darcy and instantly my heart flutters. I've been in love with him since we were kids, course he doesn't know that. I haven't told anyone about it. Freddie would just tell Darcy and Ophelia would make fun of me for years.

"Hey check this song out. I think you'll like it." Darcy nudges me with his shoulder and hands me one of his headphones. I take it out of his hand carefully and put it in my ear. He shuffles over so we are closer together and I get shivers down my entire body.

Ophelia looks over at me and sort of arches her eyebrows but doesn't say anything, she's trying to get Rose to eat a Bertie Botts Every Flavour bean while blindfolded.

Soft music starts playing in my ear, honestly, it's not my favourite but the look on Darcy's face makes me feel all warm inside so I nod along to the beat.

"Cass look at the meme I just sent you," Ophelia says to me without looking up from her phone.

I roll my eyes, "I'm sitting two feet away from you? You couldn't just turn your phone around and show me?"

Leah looks up at me for a split second with a look that says 'but that would have been so much work.' She then turns her phone towards Rose and they start cracking up over whatever it is that they're looking at.

I awkwardly fish my phone out of the pocket of my jeans without brushing against Darcy too much. Why'd I let myself fall for one of my best friends? The world will never know. I open the message that Leah sent me and it's just an over-edited picture of uncle Harry giving the camera two thumbs up with the word 'BRILLIANT' in big annoying letters at the bottom.

I nudge Darcy and he looks over my shoulder at the picture and snorts. "The chosen one ladies and gentlemen." He says sarcastically which makes me smile a bit. It's sort of funny how Uncle Harry became the butt of everyone's jokes. He saved the entire world at the age of eighteen and all anyone talks about is the one spell he knows and his use of the word 'brilliant.'

"Ugh, I can't wait to battle a boggart this year," Leah says turning off her phone and tossing it beside her.

Rose looks at her, "You can't wait to face your biggest fear? Are you mad?" She's playing with one of her fidget blocks absentmindedly.

Ophelia turns right around so her whole body is facing Rose, "I'm fucking mental!" She yells loudly and shakes her head around for emphasis.

Rose howls with laughter. Darcy looks at me with wide eyes and I give him the exact same look, both of us try really hard not to laugh.

Albus and Severus are whispering quietly to each other which makes me a little uncomfortable. Scor has talked to me about his sexuality and how he thinks he fancies Albus. Which is totally fine it's just awkward because they are both my cousins you know? Like two of my cousins dating? It feels odd.

Darcy snaps my attention back to him when he brushes a bit of my short hair out of my face. "You're doing that thing again." He says softly but its not like anyone is listening. Rose and Leah are balancing licorice wands under their noses and talking in deep American accents and Al and Scor are having their own conversation.

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