Part 2, Chapter 76- Ophelia's POV

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***A/N*** Hey guys! Back again with another update! There should be at least one more up sometime today, maybe two depending on how much I get done. That's about it, Love you lots and enjoy! xx


I should have fucking know that this idea was going to go to shit.

Cause I wasn't the one to come up with it.

Now listen, I love Theseus, he's great for Cass, he's nice to our family, all around pretty chill bloke. But this man cannot seem to have anything go his way ever.

"Describe the Snargaluff's seeds using three descriptive words," Shawn asks Georgette.

Georgette huffs and very dramatically flips her hair over her shoulder. We've only been playing for an hour or so and she's already lost her shoes, socks, bracelets, rings, hair tie, and shirt, leaving her in her bra and trousers, "This is a really hard one," She pouts.

Chandler leans over to me and whispers, "I quite literally want to die right now," into my ear before leaning back over to Larke and kissing the top of her head.

They got back together like the first day we were back from Easter break. I don't know what happened and when I ask, Chandler just laughs and says, 'She couldn't resist the Chan-man' so I have a feeling he begged her to take him back and he just doesn't want me to know about that bit.

"Uhm..." Georgette pouts her bottom lip out and sort of squeezes her shoulders together so her tits pop off her chest. This entire time I have had a permanent frown on my face. If I get frown lines because of this I'm throwing hands.

"Galleon says that she's gonna take her bra off and toss it at Theseus," Ash whispers.

"Galleon says that if that happens Cass is gonna suddenly start practicing Defense Against the Dark Arts despite the fact she dropped it after fifth," I whisper back.

"Green..." Georgette starts, she licks her lips and Ash and I pretend to vomit on each other which gets a few looks from the others in the circle, "pulsating..." She moans that one. Like actually moans and there is a collective sigh from the audience who are sick of her shit. Ever since she and Theseus broke up man, she's lost her bloody mind. I used to think she was alright before that.

Shawn 'egg boy' Fletcher seems to be loving the show though. Fucking disgusting pervert has a tent pitched in his pants.

"Galleon says that Fletcher is going to whip it out in a moment and beg Georgette to touch it," I whisper to Ash.

"Galleon says that she does."

"And..." Georgette sighs.

"Holy fucking shit bruv get it over with! We're studying for our NEWT exams, not making a bootleg orgy film!" Chandler shouts causing everyone and their sister to scream with laughter.

Georgette and Shawn both turn red from embarrassment. Georgette scrunches up her face and mutters, "and the size of a grape." Under her breath.

"INCORRECT!" Brian Dean, another Slytherin shouts, "Take it off!"

Georgette has lost any and all confidence that she was displaying earlier on in the game. Maybe adding fire whiskey to this whole thing wasn't such a good idea.

"I think I might call it for the night," Georgette gets up and stumbles forward a bit.

Shawn shoots up from his spot on the ground to help her but I beat him to it. After that shit he pulled with Cass at Halloween there's not a chance I'm letting him around Georgette one on one when it's clear she has had a lot to drink.

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