Part 2, Chapter 68- Freddie's POV

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***A/N*** Okay, not my proudest moment, but I totally have not shown you guys how I picture Kate yet! Therefore, attached is the portrait of Dominique's girlfriend Kate Carter! Okay, that's it for now, if all goes according to plan there should be a Theseus POV coming in a couple of hours so keep an eye out! Happy reading xx


Right so I haven't got a clue what happened in that kitchen but I just got done chatting with Mum and Dad about how great they think I am and how I should never feel lesser than my siblings.

Maybe I shouldn't have snuck off and spent an hour in the shower with Evie...

Actually no, that was fantastic. Scratch that. I'd spend all day in the shower with her if I could.

"What was that all about?" Evie asks as I come back into the house.

I shrug, "Told me how much they love me and crap. I think they're a little stressed with the new baby coming and everything."

"Speaking of new baby..."

"If you tell me your pregnant I swear I might have a heart attack."

"Oh Godric no, I'm not ready for a little leach hanging off my tit and demanding I give them constant love and attention. Well, I don't need another one."

"Little? Love, I am six foot five, there is nothing, and I repeat nothing little about me."

Evie laughs, "Anyways, speaking of the new baby. Have you thought of a name for it? So that you can add your idea to the pile?"

"It? What're you calling my baby brother an 'it' for?"

"Until it's born, it is an it."

I roll my eyes, "I dunno about this naming thing. The names I like I sort of want to keep them for our children if we have any."

"I have my own names for our future fictional children love."

"You're saying I can't name at least one?"

"You want more than one?"

Evie looks at me through the mirror that she's fixing her hair in and smiles, "What names have you got?"

"McKenna, Rowan, Orion..." I kiss Evie's neck softly and she hums, "Zephyr, October, Brooks..."


"Toby for short."

Evie turns around and looks at me, she hooks her arms around my neck, "I like October. October Weasley," She hums again, "Maybe save that one for us hm? Just in case."

"So you're taking my last name when we get married?"

"Yeah, I think so. Evie Weasley, kind of like it."

Mum comes into the living room with Annie, "Right, Nan needs some help in the kitchen... Ophelia where is your shirt?"

We all look at Ophelia who has got on an open button-down and a bra but nothing on underneath, "I got hot, there's no air conditioning in this place."

"Please put on your shirt and help your Nan in the kitchen?"

"Why do I have to wear a shirt when Freddie can walk around like that?"

Now everyone's looking at me. Which to be fair, I'm only in a pair of Gryffindor sweatpants and some socks.

"Cause I don't have tits?" I say to my sister.

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