Chapter 53- Cassiopeia's POV

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"Has anyone seen my pink bra?" Cheryl says standing in the middle of the dorm with her hands on her hips, "It's my favourite one and I can't find it anywhere."

"Are you wearing it?" Sacha says to her not looking up from her trunk.

Cheryl looks down her shirt and huffs, "Well fuck me." She says, going back to doing whatever it is that she was doing.

Georgette sits down on the edge of my bed and watches me fold up my shirts and things, "How's your sister?" She asks.

"I haven't heard from her personally, but my Mum is worried about her," I say, not really wanting to get into details.

Georgette watches me, which makes me uncomfortable, "Heard your brother is dating Evie."

"Suppose he is yeah. Why do you care?" it comes out harsher than I meant it to.

"Well your brother is dating Evie, Albus is dating Scorpius, seems like you've run out of people to talk to."

I stop what I'm doing and look at her, "Right because Dominique, Molly, Rose, Lily, Hugo, and Darcy aren't people. And it's not like I can't talk to my brother just because he has a girlfriend again."

Georgette puts her hands up in surrender, "I wasn't trying to attack you Cassiopeia."

"You sure? Cause it sounded a lot like an attack." I glare at her for a second longer. She crawls off my bed and goes over to the other girls, muttering 'weirdo' under her breath. Which doesn't make sense. What did I do wrong?

I'm suddenly not in the mood to be folding my clothes. I stand up, grabbing my bag full of my books and parchment and leave my dorm room.

What I didn't expect to see was Freddie sitting on my common room floor in tartan pyjama pants playing a game of wizard chess with Evie by the fire. As soon as I enter the common room from the girl's dorms he looks at me, "What's wrong?" He asks, his smile instantly fading from his face.

Evie turns around and looks at me, she's got the same look that Freddie has on, worried for me. "Nothing, I just have a practical exam soon is all.

"You need help studying?" Evie asks me.

I shake my head no, "You two stay here, you seem to be having fun."

Freddie looks at Evie and smiles, like a genuine smile. It feels nice to see him this happy.

"You want to play with us? I've been telling Eve how good you are at wizard chess." Freddie says, still not really buying my practical exam excuse.

"No seriously, I'm alright. You should be studying too Freddie. Your OWLs are coming up."

"Don't worry Cass, I'll make sure he studies," Evie says to me with a wink.

I leave them to it, walking out into the corridor and up to the library. There are a few other students milling about, talking quietly with their friends and things. Once in the library, I sit at a desk close to the back, away from the few people that are in here this early and put in my earbuds. I've been listening to The Smiths recently, it doesn't really help with my mood at all but their music makes me feel less alone somehow.

I sit there for an hour and a bit just listening to my music, my eyes closed, swaying to the beat. The only time I open my eyes is when I hear a shriek and Dom shouts, "Lucas I swear to GOD!"

I open my eyes and Dom and Lucas are laughing in the middle of the library. Lucas grabs onto her hips and pulls her in for a passionate kiss. "Five points from Slytherin each!" Madam Pince shouts.

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