Part 2, Chapter 13- Theo's POV

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**A/N** Hey guys! The above image is of Josie Carmody, you'll meet her in this chapter! Lots of love xx


Waking up before everyone else is one of my favourite things. Especially when I'm at Hogwarts.

I manage to get dressed for the day and get out of my dorm without waking up any of my dormmates, not like they would wake up anyways. They're all heavy sleepers. Then I walk up to the common room. Our common room is in the basement of the castle so everyone thinks that it's dark down here but it's really not.

The roof of our common room is made out of glass, and from the outside, it looks like just another Herbology greenhouse. Sure our actual dorm rooms are pretty far underground but the wallpaper mimics the weather outside. So if it's sunny then the wallpaper is a soft yellow and sort of warm; if it's raining out then it's a dark grey colour with little raindrops moving along it.

And while all that sounds great, the common room is my favourite spot in the entire castle. The entire back wall is lined with plants, any plant you could ever think of (yes, the seventh years do grow weed), and there are little plant tables and workspaces so that you can work on compositions or you can grow new plants for the room. And because we have so many plants, pure oxygen is pumped into the room. And while I can't say that air tastes different cause it's air and it doesn't have a taste, I'm gonna say that the air in the common room feels so much cleaner than any other part in the castle.

Cause it's so early in the morning, the is just starting to peek from around the clouds, making the entire common room a pale pink colour. I go over to the tea bar in the middle of the room and start to boil some water.

Because we have so many plants around, us Hufflepuffs are constantly creating different teas and leaving them at the tea bar for people to test. The popular ones are made in bigger batches and named after the kid who created them. One of the best ones was created by Molly's fiancé Bridgit actually, it's made out of apples, raisins, carrots, hibiscus blossoms, cherries, and beetroot. Sounds absolutely disgusting but you've got to trust me on this one.

Once my tea is ready I pick up the cup carefully, I always seem to fill my cup just a little too much and I'm the worst when it comes to spilling it all over myself, and I walk over to the plant wall and sit in the big yellow sofa that is right beside it.

I have Defense Against the Dark Arts this morning. Not going to lie, it's one of my least favourite classes. Not that there's anything wrong with learning to defend yourself against things, but I've never really been a fan of things like that. A lot of people in my year take it too far, they make it aggressive when it's not really supposed to be. Maybe I'm just being oversensitive or something... anyways.

I take a sip of my tea; so that it's not threatening to spill all over me anymore and get a little more comfortable on the sofa, sitting cross-legged and bringing my cup right up to my face so I can smell the fruity aroma.

"Morning Weasley," a girl in my year, Josie Carmody says as she walks barefoot into the room and over to the tea station.

"Morning," I say before taking another sip of my tea.

Josie comes over to the sofa and sits beside me once she's made her tea, "Why are you up so early?"

I shrug, "Early riser. I'm used to waking up early and helping out in my parent's shop I suppose."

We both take a sip of our tea, the sun is starting to warm up the room slowly, peeking over the clouds.

"Could you braid my hair for me?" Josie asks, " I've never figured out how to do it and you do it better than any of my friends."

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