Chapter 2- Cassiopeia's POV

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Mum wakes everyone up at exactly seven but little does she know I've been up for hours already. I don't even think I slept really. I always have problems getting to bed the day before we go to Hogwarts. Course when I was in first year I could just sneak into mum and dad's room and spend the night with them. But if I did that now and Ophelia found out, it would be over for me.

I get dressed quickly and double-check my trunks to make sure I have everything I'm going to need. Third-year isn't bad according to Scorpius and Albus but I dunno, something about third year is freaking me out. Maybe its because my mum and dad started dating during their third year and now there's this sort of unspoken pressure to do the same. Even though both of my parents tell us all the time that we aren't allowed to date anyone till our sixth year. Total hypocrites.

I put my school robes in my backpack so it's easier to get to them on the train. I lug my trunk out of my room and pile it beside the front door with Ophelia and Fred's things as well. I can hear my mum talking quietly to someone in the kitchen. It sounds like the other person is crying.

"Uncle Draco's in there," Ophelia says coming up behind me out of nowhere. "He doesn't want Scorpius to go to Hogwarts this year, he doesn't want to be alone."

I take a deep breath, my aunt Astoria died last year, something that we all knew was coming because she had a blood curse running through her family. But when it happened it really tore a big hole in our entire family. I don't think I've ever seen uncle Draco smile since it happened. I'm not used to hearing him so sad and broken.

"Is Scorpius here?" I say to my sister quietly. She nods and juts her head over to the living room. Scorpius and I have been best friends since we were born pretty much. He's a year older than I am but I treat him like my little brother almost.

I walk into the living room. Scorpius is sitting on the couch staring at the T.V but not really watching what's on it. "Hey," I say sitting down beside him.

He doesn't say anything, he just leans his head on my shoulder. We sit like that for a long time. Till dad calls us all into the kitchen for breakfast. Uncle Draco's still got red eyes but he's smiling. He says something to Scorpius in a hushed tone and they nod at each other before digging into the breakfast that mum's made.

Dad comes in carrying Annie upside down who is screaming with laughter. Theo is hopping up and down beside them making sure that dad doesn't hit Annie's head on the wall or something.

"This little Weasley has trouble waking up in the mornings." He says with a big smile on his face before he flips her right side up and plops her into an empty chair at the table.

Mum laughs and dad kisses her on the forehead before sitting down beside her. Freddie pulls a face which makes me laugh a little. He hates anything and everything to do with PDA. Meals are always crazy at my house. Everyone shouting at someone, dad knocking over his cup of pumpkin juice, Ophelia tossing food at Theo who tries to catch it in his mouth. The works. I tend to stay quiet during meals, observing everyone and their behaviour.

"Alright. Freddie help your sisters with their trunks. Get them loaded into the car and we'll head out." Mum says to my brother. He grumbles something about 'they can do it themselves' which we totally can but Mum's got to get Theo and Annabeth ready and I know that she'd rather not have us milling about and getting the littles distracted. Well, Theo would get distracted, Annabeth is pretty serious if she wants to be, even for an eight-year-old.

Scorpius, Freddie, Ophelia and I all get up from the table and start dragging our trunks down the stairs and out to the back of the shop where the car is parked.

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