Chapter 60- Cassiopeia's POV

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Okay, so maybe I shouldn't have broken a bunch of desks out of sheer anger. And I really shouldn't have sent a hex towards a mirror. Remind me why I thought that was a good idea again?

Cause now I look like I was trampled by the centaurs, and tomorrow we go home for Easter. Mum is going to have a fit. And I can already hear Ophelia's laugh when she sees me. Can't wait.

"Come on! We're going to be late!" A girl says, dragging her friend out of the Slytherin girl's dorms.

I watch them from my spot on the couch in the common room. The other girl laughs, "Fred's not single anymore dumbass it doesn't matter if you're late to one of his pranks!"

"Hey! Love isn't forever, and who knows? He might just need a shoulder to cry on in a few months and I'm really hoping it's mine."

"Oh gross Rowena!"

"I'm a white man's whore what can I say?"

The girls laugh loudly and walk out of the common room. Leaving me alone again. I try to go back to my notes, trying to get as much studying done before the holidays where I know I'm going to be in the shop or at Nan and Pops for Easter dinner. But I can't focus. I hate it, but I'm curious as to what Freddie has got planned. Whatever it is, it sounds pretty big.

"Merlin's pants," I say under my breath before packing my things together and hurrying out of the common room. I have absolutely no idea where Freddie has set up his things but there are enough people rushing to the door that I figure I'll be safe following them.

There's a massive gathering of people by the quidditch pitch when I get there. Louis is standing on the highest part of the pitch looking down at the people that have gathered, "Good evening fellow Hogwarts students! Thank you all for joining us on this wonderful night. We appreciate it we really do!" Louis shouts, he's using his wand to amplify his voice. "As the holidays approach us and the stress of our NEWTs OWLs and just our final exams are starting to build up, we thought, hmm? What is a great way to boost morale around here because our professors are pretty god awful at it!"

The crowd has nearly doubled in size since I've got here. Nearly the entire school is outside now, a few of them using Lumos so they can see in the dark.

"Well, what better way to relieve some stress than a Weasleys' fireworks show!" Louis shouts. Everyone around me starts to cheer and clap really loudly. It's a bit overwhelming. "That's right beautiful humans, you have front row seats to a special Weasley event! Many of these fireworks have never been seen before and won't reach the shelves of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes till this summer! If I were you, I'd start saving my pocket money now because you're not going to want to miss out on these new additions to the Weasley firecracker collection!"

Louis stops addressing the crowd and turns around so he's looking into the pitch. Freddie and Evie climb up to stand beside Louis. "And here he is folks! Your direct link to the best damn joke shop in England! Freddie my boy take it away!"

Fred takes out his own wand and puts it up to his throat, "Thank you, thank you all so much. This is going to be dope as hell so get your phones out, record it, take photos, do what you gotta do! Also...." Freddie stops talking and turns to Evie. Together they pick up a massive bucket, "You all get to try out our new line of Whizbangs!" together Evie and Freddie dump the box into the crowd, whizbangs flying every which way. "Stop by 93 Diagon Alley this summer for more! Show us the video that you took tonight for thirty percent off any and all explosive enterprises!"

Someone tries to give me a Whizbang but I decline. Knowing Freddie, Dad doesn't have a clue that he's doing this. I've got to admit though; it's a really smart way to advertise our new stock.

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