Chapter 72- Freddie's POV

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"A new kid? This late in the year?" Louis says as we watch this guy walk through the great hall and up to McGonagall on stage.

"He looks like a pompous ass." I grumble.

Rose, who's sitting beside me rolls her eyes, "He looks hot."

"He does." Lily says from beside Rose.

James, who's sitting beside Louis glares at his little sister, "Never say those words ever again. You're eleven. No one is supposed to be hot to you."

"I'm twelve so shut the fuck up." Lily says to him.

The two of them start bickering about Lily swearing or whatever it is that has James so pressed. I on the other hand am focused on this kid up beside McGonagall. Theseus is his name apparently. Something about him puts me off.

"Better be... SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat shouts.

I watch him carefully as he walks down from the professors stage and over to the Slytherin table. More specifically, to my little sister.

I know I promised that I'm not getting involved in her life anymore, that it's dumb and I'm over it. But every fiber in my body is telling me not to leave Cass alone with this guy. And I cannot for the life of me figure out why.

"You good? It looks like you're going to shit yourself." Evie says to me after everyone's finished dinner.

My eyes trail the new guy, walking towards the Slytherin common room. He's close to Cass but they aren't speaking.

"Fine yeah." I grumble.

Evie and Louis exchange looks but neither of them say anything. James heads off with his friends, Rose goes over to meet Albus and Scorpius.

Amar walks over to us shaking his head, "A fucking new guy? Taking all of our spotlight? That took so long to get together."

The three of them start talking about what we can do next but I'm not really listening. Everything in my body wants to go to the Slytherin common room right now and physically remove Cass from that guys line of sight. But that would just start something and I don't want to be apart of Cassie's drama anymore.

But when Darcy walks by with his friends, I can't help myself. "Williams! With me." I say to him.

Darcy looks scared for his life but he comes with me nonetheless. We walk away from our friends so we can talk alone.

"Listen, whatever you think happened between Cass and I, she's the one that ended it okay? I didn't hurt her I swear." He blurts out.

"What? Wait, what?" I say trying to catch up with him.

Darcy takes a deep breath and begins to explain how he was worried for Cass and she shut him out, said that being friends might not be the best idea let alone snogging partners. Once he finishes it looks like a big weight has been lifted from his shoulders.

"So you don't have any idea what she has been up to recently?" I say to him. Darcy shakes his head. I take a deep breath and as I exhale I say, "So you're useless to me."

"Sorry Freddie. But there's nothing I can do about it anymore." Darcy says.

I blink slowly, "No yeah, sorry. Good luck on your exams dude." As I walk away he says something along the lines of 'yeah you too'.

"Hey Ricky? Walk me to my common room?" Evie says to me once I get back to my friends.

I nod and extend my hand towards her. She takes it and smiles at me, "We'll see you dumbasses later." Evie says to Amar and Louis.

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