Part 2, Chapter 29- Cassiopeia's POV

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"Has anyone seen Ophelia today? She wasn't at the feast and she hasn't come in here to pack."

I put the sweater that I was folding into my trunk and look around at my dormmates. Georgette and Cheryl have been giving me the silent treatment ever since my birthday it feels like so they just roll their eyes at my question and go back to packing.

"Sacha? You haven't seen her have you?" I ask.

Sacha, the only other girl in this dorm I can stand besides Ophelia shakes her head no, "Sorry Cassie. I'm sure she'll show up soon. It's not like she's going to just not pack her things."

"Suppose not," I say picking up another bit of clothing and folding it away.

By one in the morning, Georgette, Sacha, and Cheryl are all smoking a joint on Georgette's bed laughing and making plans to see each other over the winter holiday. Ophelia still hasn't shown up so I start folding away her clothes.

"Hey Weasley, you live in Diagon Alley right?" Georgette says to me.

I turn to look at her, "Uh yeah, why?"

"Do you know any like good shops around there? We're thinking of going to charity shops over the winter break." She says, passing the joint to Sacha.

"Uhm, there's a few good muggle ones nearby. I like Peekaboo Village."

Georgette snorts, "Muggle shops. You can just say shops Cassiopeia, the big scary muggles aren't any different than you."

"That's not what I meant..." I start but Georgette laughs again.

"You and your sister are funny like that. You always put the word muggle before anything that isn't magical," She sits up on her bed and tries to do an impression of me, "oh Ophelia have you seen my muggle phone? I must use it because my muggle pen has run out of muggle ink!" She and Cheryl burst into a fit of laughter.

I turn back to Ophelia's open trunk and do my best to fold all her things away and pretend like Georgette and Cheryl aren't still making fun of me.

After about twenty minutes of listening to them make fun of not only my use of the word 'muggle' but also about the fact that I live in Diagon Alley instead of in a real house, or the posh accent that I have thanks to Mum, I give up on Ophelia's trunk and head out of the dorm.

Instantly I feel better. Sure I can hear their muffled voices and shrieks of laughter but at least I can't hear what they are saying.

I walk into the common room and instantly regret coming out here.

Theseus is sitting on the sofa, holding a letter with tears falling down his face. I don't mean to stare but I can't really help it.

Course he notices me standing there and instantly he tries to hide the letter and wipe the tears off his face, "Cassiopeia, it's late."

I step down into the common room and go over to the sofa and sit down, "I know. Why are you awake?"

"Why are you awake?" Theseus asks, trying to get the subject off of himself.

"I was packing Ophelia's trunk for her. I haven't seen her all day. Then my lovely dormmates and your fantastic girlfriend thought that they'd like to spend the last day before the holidays bullying me."

Theseus laughs and wipes his nose when I say the word 'girlfriend.'

"You're turn"

He looks at me, his eyes are bloodshot, he's clearly been out here for a while, "Pardon me?"

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