Part 2, Chapter 70- Ophelia's POV

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***A/N*** hello! Back again! This is probably going to be the last update of the night, but I'll be back tomorrow with one if not two new chapters! Lots of love and have a great evening/morning/day/night everyone! xx


"You have to put the red wire into the red hole you numpty."

I roll my eyes, "Well if you knew how to hold a flashlight maybe I could see which one is red."

Rose huffs, "Let me try," She reaches for the wire I'm holding and I swat her hand away from me. We stare at each other with the same shocked look on our faces and we burst into laughter.

"Ophelia?" James shouts, "Ophelia there's a really hot girl here looking for you!"

I shimmy myself out from behind the old telly that Nan and Pops have in their living room and wipe my hands on my jeans.

"Hey," James says, "I'm James, James Potter... And you are?"

"A lesbian," I can hear Ash say.

Rounding the corner of the living room and going into the front hall James looks at me shrugs, "Worth a shot though right?"

"No," I say, "Very much not worth a shot. That's my girlfriend mate."

"You've flirted with my girlfriends before."

I shrug, "Yeah but I'm actually hot so it works. You're a little... well you know."

"What do I know?"

"Well you're just... you look like you can't swim and girls just don't mess with that kind of energy."

James opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water while Ash and I laugh, "Excuse me mate," I say pushing past him.

I give Ash a kiss and she smiles against my lips, 'Before you meet everyone though, can we talk?"

Ash looks at me carefully, "Is everything... yeah we can talk."

I kiss her hand before I take it in my own and guide her up the stairs. The higher we go, the quieter it gets. I bring her all the way up to Uncle Ron's old room and close the door behind us.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

I nod, "I think so yeah. Uhm... I've been... uhm..."

Ash puts her hands on either side of my face, "Take a breath."

She takes a deep breath with me and exhales at the same time, "I've been scouted by nine quidditch teams and I want to take one of their offers." I say all in one breath.

"Damn right you want to take one of their offers," She says like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "I'd look hot in a jersey with your name plastered on the back. Course you're going to have to sign it for me so the world knows it's official."

I blink a few times, "Wait... you don't even know what teams or where they are or..."

Ash kisses me, "I don't need to. My girlfriend is going to be a professional quidditch player."

"You're not...mad?"

She shrugs, "Depends, what team are you choosing and what colour are their jerseys cause I don't want it to clash with my whole vibe you know?"

"The Kenmare Kestrels. So..."

"Emerald green and yellow?" Ash looks at me for a moment then starts laughing, "You and your bloody red hair are joining a quidditch team with a leprechaun as their mascot?"

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