Chapter 11- Cassiopeia's POV

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Freddie stayed with me for the entire period. But once the bell rang we gathered our stuff together and walked back into the castle.

"Sorry. You probably had bigger things to deal with. I'm just being overdramatic I think." I say to my brother. We make it back into the castle right before it starts to rain.

"Shut the fuck up." Is all that Freddie says to me. He's thinking about other things, I can see it on his face. It doesn't take a genius to know that he's going to pick a fight with Isaiah as soon as he sees him and I don't think I can stop it from happening. But there's something else, something that I haven't seen before. I decide not to push my luck and leave him alone.

"Alright, I've got herbology. I'll see you at dinner yeah?" Freddie says to me.

I nod a couple of times, "Yeah alright. I think I'll write to mum, make sure that she's alright after that article."

Freddie ruffles the top of my hair like dad always does and jogs down the corridor off to his herbology lesson. I take a deep breath and make my way into the dungeons where my common room is.

"Pureblood," I grumble as I press my hand on the wall. The door opens underneath my touch and I step inside. No one in my year is here, given we are all supposed to be in double potions right now. Slughorn won't mind that I'm not there though, I'm one of his best students, his words not mine.

I go into my dorm room and change into black jeans and one of the sweaters my nan made for me. She always makes me sweaters and things in the same black and white yarn. I pull out some parchment and a muggle pen that James sold to me for eight knuts and make my way back into the common room. I pick up a blanket from the basket that sits by the glass wall that looks into the lake before sitting down at a desk and writing the letter.

Hi mummy! Hi Daddy!

I know that it's only the first day of classes and I don't usually write this early on in the year but I wanted to make sure that mum was doing alright after the Daily Prophet article was written. My friend Cheryl told me about it cause her parents send her the Prophet every week. No one said anything to any of us as far as I know so you don't have to worry about us. I already miss you two loads. Uncle Fred says hello. It would be nice if you guys came to Hogwarts with Annie and Theo for Easter holidays again this year so that he could see you all. Anyways, I've got to run, I have a load of potions homework already! Professor Slughorn is really piling it on this year!

Much love,

Your Cassie

Nearly everything in the letter is a lie but what else could I say? I don't want anyone to worry about me, I don't like being a burden. I seal the letter and go back into my dorm for my umbrella before heading off out of the common room and towards the owlery.

"There you are!" I hear Scorpius shout from down the hall. I turn just in time for Albus and Scorpius to throw their arms around me.

"We were looking everywhere for you! Rose refused to skip out on class but we thought, it's the first day? How much could we be missing?" Albus says smiling at me a little.

"I've been in the common room, I dunno where you two have been looking but t couldn't have been good." I say with a smile. Another lie... well half a lie. Sort of a lie?"

The two of them can see right through me but they don't say anything about it, "What's that?" Scorpius says as he reaches for the letter in my hand.

I pull it away from him, "A letter to mum and dad. I'm off to send it now. Want to come with me?"

The two boys look at each other. "We've got other plans. But we'll see you around!" Albus says cheerily. I can tell that Scorpius is really happy about that. Scorpius has told me that he's been confused about his sexuality recently, specifically when it comes to Albus. Which is so weird to me that I can't even start to try and wrap my head around the idea that two of my cousins might actually start going out.

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