Part 2, Chapter 39- Theo's POV

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**A/N** hey ya'll so I know I said I'll be back this weekend however I wrote a bunch instead of going to any of my zoom classes so here's another chapter! I was just going to wait for the weekend but I think I like reading your comments as much as you like reading the chapter! Okay, love you lots, enjoy! xx


 "James, Fred, Louis I need chairs at tables! Theseus darling can you go help them? Cassie where are those napkins you were doing last night?"

Nan is standing in the kitchen barking orders at us all as each of us scramble to get last-minute things done for Molly and Bridgit's wedding. I've been put on parking duty, so all I have to do is stand on the edge of the property and guide the cars in the right direction.

"Theo sit still if you want this done properly," Mum says turning my head so I look straight ahead of me and not at Cassie and Theseus who are laughing at the fact that Theseus has to carry chairs.

I've been letting my hair grow pretty long so it's a little past my shoulders. Mums adding little braids throughout my hair, mostly so it stays out of my face. Yeah, Mum sucks at braiding other people's hair but Dad is busy getting the tents outside taken down and putting up the big wedding one. And I can't braid my own hair for the life of me.

"Did you put your dress in the bathroom so it can get steamed when we do everyone else's?" Mum asks me.

"I was supposed to do that?"

Mum sighs, she finishes the last braid and kisses my head, "Go, get your dress."

I hop off the chair and Mum shouts for Ophelia so that she can try to tame Ophelia's curls in time for the wedding. She's never really been great at keeping her hair in a presentable way and Mum hates it.

Ophelia nearly crashes into me on her way down the stairs. Her hair is in the same bun that it's been in for the past three days and she's sprinting around the house in her Slytherin sweatpants and a sports bra.

"Wotcher Theo," She says I duck and just miss being elbowed in the face.

All of our trunks have been moved up into Uncle Ron's old room so I make my way up the hundreds of stairs, dodging flying hairbrushes and god knows what else as everyone tries desperately to get ready for the wedding in four hours.

The top floor is quiet though, it doesn't look like anyone has been up here all day. I open the door to Uncle Ron's old room and sigh.

Lucy is sitting in the middle of the floor, her face is painted with makeup and her hair is in big curlers on the top of her head.

"Aren't you supposed to be down with Molly telling her not to freak out or whatever?"

Lucy sighs, "I was, then she started screaming at us all cause no one is going to be ready in time so I needed a minute."

I go over to my trunk and sort through the stuff that I brought to find the flowy yellow dress that I'm wearing tonight, "At least you look nice." I say turning around to look at her.

"You're saying that I didn't look nice before all this gunk on my face?" Lucy says narrowing her eyes.

"I'm saying that if Oscar was here to see you looking like that he would make a very inappropriate comment that I wouldn't like."

Lucy blushes, "You think so?"

"Oh Godric, you don't fancy him do you?"

"You're not the only one that can have a partner Theo." She says crossing her arms over her chest, "Not that it's any of your business..."

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