Part 78- Cassiopeia's POV

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"Good to see you in class Miss Weasley." Madam Hooch says as I get my broom out of the shed early Monday morning.

"Sorry Madam, I wasn't feeling very good the past few classes and I thought it would be best to keep both my feet on the ground."

Madam Hooch makes an 'mmhmm' sound and I go into the shed to get my broom.

"A Nimbus two thousand and one?" Theseus sneers.

I turn around and he is standing there with a Firebolt in his hand looking at me with dark eyes.

"I don't play quidditch, or else I would have a Thunderbolt eight. But I suppose a Firebolt is alright too." I say back to him in the same tone that he used with me.

Darcy walks into the shed next and looks at me, then looks at Theseus. "Uh, hey Cassie." He says awkwardly before taking down his broom from the wall.

Theseus snorts, "Oh so you do have friends. And I was starting to think that I was the only one you had."

I glare at Theseus, "How many times do I have to tell you that you and I aren't friends before it sinks into that thick skull of yours?"

Darcy, oblivious to everything and anything like usual, sticks his hand out towards Theseus, "I'm Darcy."

"Charmed," Theseus says in a very polite tone, something that he never uses when he talks to me. The two boys shake hands once and head out of the shed together.

Before I head out of the shed I tie my hair into a ponytail. I found a charm that enhanced hair growth when I first started experimenting with magic and thought I'd give it a go. I hate to say it, but I really love having long hair. The small tattoo that I now have behind my left ear is fresh and sore, tugging my hair into my ponytail didn't make it feel too great but I do my best to ignore it.

Thankfully it isn't raining quite yet but I can tell that it's going to soon. Madam Hooch has us all line up in one big row just outside the quidditch pitch, "I have made a simple race track for all of you to participate in. Splitting up into your houses, you will each do your best to fly through the twenty rings that are floating in the air behind me and be the first one to cross the finish line, then the winners from each house will go head to head in a race. Understand?"

Everyone grumbles a response. Normally on days like this, I would just throw the entire race for myself so I can sit out and write song lyrics or something like that. But today, I'm up against Theseus and there's no way in hell that I will be letting him of all people beat me in something like this.

"Let's have the Hufflepuffs up on the starting line! Everyone else, fall back." Madam Hooch says before she blows her whistle. The ten students wearing Hufflepuff quidditch robes step up to where Madam Hooch is standing. She counts down from three and blows her whistle again.

"Cassie huh?" Theseus whispers into my ear from behind me, "What a sweet little nickname you have for yourself. Really scary."

I can feel the other girls in my year staring at me, staring at how close Theseus is to me right now. I may hate the guy and want him to fly back to Greece, but I have to admit, he's the fittest boy in my year and I can tell that the other girls are jealous of where I am right now. I don't know why, but I take some pride in being able to make all these girls jealous but just standing here.

"Say, Cassie, was that your boyfriend?" Theseus whispers.

"Why do you care?" I whisper back to him.

"I don't. You two make a cute couple, both innocent little things."

I fight against all urges to turn around and rock this guys shit, "How did that hospital visit of yours go by the way? Madam Pomfrey manage to fix your nasty infection?" I say really loudly.

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