Chapter 50- Cassiopeia's POV

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I haven't been able to think of anything but Darcy kissing me for the past three weeks. I haven't told anyone either. I mean who do I have that I can tell something like that to? The only person I have is Darcy, so what am I going to do, pull him aside in flying class today and be like 'you'll never guess who kissed me'? Christ.

These are the days where I need Ophelia. I mean she would just make fun of me and manage to turn my problem into her problem but at least I would have told someone. The only other person I can really think of who would have half-decent advice is Victoire. But she's in Japan and she's dealing with Teddy.

According to Dom's late-night rants in the common room, Victoire and Teddy have ended things completely, Aunt Fleur writes to Dom all the time, keeping her in the loop of things. Aunt Fleur is devastated that Vic and Teddy ended things.

I could talk to Albus and Scorpius about it I guess, but after I saw them snogging in the Gryffindor common room it feels like that's all they do. I walk into the common room, they're snogging. I walk into the Great Hall, they're snogging. I walk into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom so I can hide during lunch, and you guess it, they're snogging on the sinks.

It's getting annoying. I mean sure, be happy and in love or whatever you call it but the girl's toilets? Really?

"You okay?" Darcy says coming up to me. He's in his flying uniform, leaning on the hilt of his broom.

I snap out of whatever trance that I fell into, "Yeah, just don't want to fly around for the next hour and a half or however long this class is." I say back to him.

Darcy looks at me long and hard but he doesn't say anything else. For the entire class, all I can think of is how it felt to be kissed by him. Which is dumb and I know it is but I can't help myself. I've fancied him for a while now, course I thought it was just a childhood crush or whatever but now I'm the same age that mum and dad started dating and who knows? I know that Mum and Auntie Em would kill for it to happen.

"Miss Weasley! That is the third quaffle you have dropped this period. Get your head out of the clouds!" Hooch shouts at me from down below. Today we are just running quidditch drills which doesn't make a whole lot of sense because not everyone in this class plays quidditch but I'm over it all. My mind starts to drift to the class I have after this, muggle music. It's pretty much the same as frog choir only a lot fewer frogs and more muggle instruments. I've started to work on playing the flute but it's a lot harder than I thought it would be and I don't want to make a fool out of myself in front of my whole class so I've just been playing the piano.

"That was painful to watch, everyone in the change rooms so you're not late for your next class. Brooms back in the shed." Hooch calls before she blows her whistle.

"I miss Ophelia. She makes this class so fun." Clara Chapman from Gryffindor says as I walk past her.

I keep my head down and try not to draw any attention to myself. Ever since Leah was brought back home it feels like the only thing anyone can talk about is how much they miss her, which makes me feel like the whole would have preferred it to be me at home in bed instead of still at Hogwarts.

I don't bother waiting for Darcy after I've gotten changed, it starts to rain as I make my way up from the pitch and into the closest set of doors to the castle. Then I start the long walk up to the fifth floor where my class is.

"Hey, Cass." Uncle Fred says as I pass him on the third-floor landing. He excuses himself from a group of seventh-year girls who are all giggling like mad. The girls watch him come over to me and he floats alongside me as I go up the stairs. "What're you thinking of?"

"Not thinking of anything," I say a little too fast.

Uncle Fred laughs, "Yeah right, and I'm not a ghost."

I think for a second, I mean if I can't tell anyone alive what happened between Darcy and me, suppose I could tell someone who's dead, "You know Darcy? Auntie Em's kid?"

Uncle Fred's entire aura changes when I say Auntie Em's name, "Still can't believe she named her kid that." He says quietly so I know that I wasn't supposed to hear it.

"What do you have against the name Darcy?" I ask. I mean what have I got to lose.

Uncle Fred shrugs, "It's dumb, it was the name that I wanted to name my kid if I had one, Emma and I used to talk about that kind of shit before the war. Anyways. What about him? He didn't hurt you or anything did he?"

"Uh no, the opposite I guess... he kissed me."

Uncle Fred doesn't say anything for a long while, "Did he ask before he did it? Did you say that it was alright?"

"I didn't mind. I've fancied him for a while and we even went on a date near Halloween but we said that it was too weird. And now well, its weird again." I say, it feels good talking to someone about all of it, like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.

Uncle Fred clicks his tongue which I didn't even know was possible if you were a ghost, "Don't run away from how you feel. I did that when I was younger. If I didn't then I might not be where I am right now. For all I know, if I actually admitted my feelings when I had the chance then Darcy would be your cousin instead of someone that you fancy."

I don't even try to process that, it's far too weird of a sentence for my brain to register. Uncle Fred continues, "But I'm the literal worst person you could come to for relationship advice, ask anyone that knew me when I was alive, I was rubbish at it all. Your Mum and Dad on the other hand..." I pull a face and Uncle Fred laughs, "Little Ronald might be a good person to talk to, he managed to bag Mione."

We stop outside of my classroom door, there are already a few people inside, tuning their instruments and just getting their things in order. " Uncle Ron?" I ask him.

Uncle Fred nods, "Worth a shot, and if it doesn't work you can just make fun of whatever it is he writes in his letter back to you... has this always been a class at Hogwarts?" Uncle Fred says looking into the classroom.

I look in again, Professor Harper is getting her things ready, setting up her papers on the music stand she teaches from. I look back at Uncle Fred, "I think so?" Uncle Fred shrugs, "Thanks for listening to me go on about all of that, I don't really have anyone to talk to about that sort of stuff." I say to him.

Uncle Fred smiles, "Well what's the use of having a dead uncle if you can't ask him advice on his ex-girlfriend's son eh?" I can tell that he's trying to joke about it but it's not working.

"I'm not sure if you know this, but Auntie Em divorced Darcy's dad a long time ago, I heard her tell Mum that she couldn't love him because she still loves you," I say to Uncle Fred.

If ghosts can cry then that's what Uncle Fred is doing right now, "I know that you're trying to make me feel good, and I appreciate it. But she deserves to be happy, I love her too much to hear about her sad for the rest of her life... you better get into class." He says before sinking down into the floor and disappearing.

I stand there for a second, processing it all. I shouldn't have said anything, Uncle Fred is never going to talk to me about anything ever again. I take a breath and try to get a handle on my emotions before I head into class with a fake little smile on my face. It feels that anything I do as of late just ends in consequences and I end up messing up everyone's lives, or existences in Uncle Fred's case. Maybe everyone was right, I should have been the one to get hurt and sent home. Ophelia wouldn't have messed up like this.

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