Part 2, Chapter 48- Cassiopeia's POV

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**A/N** Hello! I'm not too sure if I'll have time to write and upload this weekend, unfortunately. If you don't know, I'm a photography major in university and I have a few big photoshoots planned for this weekend so it's going to be pretty crazy. I'll do my best to make time for my favourite family of Weasleys but I can't make any promises. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I had a lot of fun writing it! xx


What does she know?

I mean she's never actually been in a proper relationship so who is she to tell me that I'm in a toxic one. Yeah, Mum and Dad like never fight. I don't think I've ever seen them fight actually, only little arguments that are finished with a peck or something. But just because my relationship doesn't look like theirs doesn't mean that it's not healthy.

I sit up on the common room sofa and wrap myself in one of the blankets before walking over to the big glass windows that look out into the lake. It's nearly two in the morning according to my phone. Theseus is asleep on the sofa that I just left. We've been sleeping out here on nights that we are actually getting along. I don't want to be in his dorm when Shawn is in there and I know that the girls don't want him in ours.

I watch the swaying seaweed for a while. A few fish swim past, nothing exciting.

"No.... don't hurt her..." Theseus mumbles from the sofa.

I look at him over my shoulder and sigh. It's not a real secret that he suffers from bad nightmares. Like really, really bad nightmares. The first time that he had one around me he was taking a nap in my room at home. I was at my piano, not really playing it or anything and he sat up in bed and screamed, 'GET OFF HER! PLEASE!' and collapsed back in bed. Thankfully Mum and Dad weren't home but Freddie and Evie came running in ready to kill someone.

"Stop.... Please stop...." Theseus thrashes around under the blanket, "No, please!"

I walk over to him slowly and crouch down so I am at eye level with him, "My love..." I whisper, brushing a few hairs off of his face. He's sweating so his hair is sticking to his face, I know how much he hates the feeling of that.

"STOP!" Theseus sits up so fast he nearly slams his head into my nose. His chest heaves as he tries to catch his breath, his eyes wide and full of sheer terror.

I crawl up onto the sofa and takes his face in my hands, "Theseus? Hey darling. Hi." I whisper as I wipe a few stray tears off of his cheeks.

Theseus looks around the room before locking eyes with me, "I – I don't..."

"It's okay my love, I understand," I whisper, "You were having a nightmare."

It's clear that he's still worked up, his skin is clammy, he can't seem to catch his breath. I move so that he can lie his head down on my lap the way he likes. He wraps his arms around my waist and buries his head in my jumper, "It's alright my love, I'm here," I coo. I start playing with his hair, twirling his brown curls in between my fingers as soft and as gently as I can.

"He – it wasn't a nightmare Pia," Theseus says into my jumper. His voice muffled, "It happened, years ago, but it happened. He was attacking my Mum, she – I...."

My heart breaks every time I see him like this and this time is no exception. I reach across the sofa and cover him in the blanket that he threw off of himself when he woke up.

Theseus wraps his arms around me tighter, and his breathing slowly goes back to normal. We sit in silence for a long time after that. I can feel myself getting more and more tired but I don't want to fall asleep. Not if Theseus needs me again. I start thinking of my playlist, then I catch myself humming. I used to love music, be obsessed with it really. I mean I wanted to be a concert pianist when I was younger. But I lost any and all interest after my third year. Mostly because I lost interest in myself.

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