Chapter 59- Freddie's POV

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"Surprised that you're in the dorm," Louis says to me. I groan and roll myself out of bed. "I thought that when you didn't show up at curfew that you were spending your night with Evie."

"Nah, man. I mean we were going to, but Cass is going through some shit right now." I put on my robes. Timothy and Kevin are getting dressed on the other side of the room... and James is nowhere to be seen.

"She's talking to you again?" Louis says hopefully.

I shake my head, "Absolutely not, cause I keep managing to fuck it up whenever I talk to her. I literally sat outside of the classroom that she locked herself in all night. Till McG came by and took points away and sent me to bed."

"Rough dude," Louis says.

"Once I left her alone the girl like exploded a desk or some shit. It really freaked me out."

Louis looks at me confused, "McGonagall or Cass?"

"McGonagall obviously, why would it have been Cass? Course it was Cass your half-wit."

Louis puts his hands in the air, "Christ dude, no need to get testy."

I get my school shit together and dig my wand out from the pile of robes that I left on the floor last night. "Let's go," I say to Louis.

He picks up his bag and we head down the stairs into the common room together. Rose is sitting on the floor with Lily, looking over some book.

"Wait, forgot my phone. Be right back." I say to Lou.

I turn around and take the stairs two at a time, not wanting to miss breakfast given I missed dinner last night. I unplug my phone from the wall and toss my charger onto my bed. I turn on my phone and it blows up. Not literally of course but the amount of notifications I get makes it seem like it will.

27 missed calls and about a hundred unopened messages from James of all people.

DUMBASS POTTER- bro, real quick, how do you get out of your dad's handcuffs? Like the unlockable ones from the shop?

DUMBASS POTTER- dude, seriously. I have to take a piss. How the fuck do you get out of these things?

DUMBASS POTTER- listen man I don't give a fuck that you snogged Hannah anymore, just fucking tell me how to get out of these things.



DUMBASS POTTER- If I thought that anyone else would know how to get out of these things then I would have asked them. But I don't think Cass wants to see what I look like right now.

DUMBASS POTTER- Fredrick I swear to god answer YOUR FUCKING PHONE

DUMBASS POTTER- if I piss myself it's going to be your fucking fault and I swear to god I'll break your toes.

There are about a hundred messages along those lines, some of them aggressive, others begging. I take a few screenshots so I can print them out and give them to everyone over the Easter break before I respond.

ME- where are you? I'll come help after breakfast

DUMBASS POTTER- fucking FINALLY! I've been stuck in the fucking prefect's bathtub FOR LIKE 10 HOURS

ME- damn dude, you're that musty?

DUMBASS POTTER- get your fucking ass down here and H.E.L.P.M.E... and bring me some clothes

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