Chapter 93- Freddie's POV

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**A/N** Am I hiding from four assignments by writing a new chapter for my fic? Absolutely. I hope you enjoy! Fair warning, I have a feeling that the next couple chapters are going to be shorter and feel sort of rushed and I'm really sorry for that but I'm just super excited to start what I have planned for these guys' futures!


The good thing about exams? We get to go home soon.

The bad part of exams? The exams themselves.

"Will you still love me if I puke all over your shoes?" Evie asks me outside of the great hall. We're in a big group with the other fifth and seventh years taking either their OWL or NEWT for Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"He might, but I sure as shit won't." Louis says, looking up from his notes, "I'm serious. Puke in front of me and it's the end of our friendship."

"Right but you can spew chunks in the middle of my common room cause no one ever taught you to hydrate as you drink. Where's the logic in that Weasley?"

"Not my fault that the Slytherins party harder than anyone I've ever been in contact with. I mean honestly, is that what the sorting hat says when you sit down on McGonagall's stool? 'ah this one has a high liquor tolerance. Better be... SLYTHERIN!"

Evie rolls her eyes, "Or you're just a lightweight."

"Take that back."

"Would you two do me the honour of shutting the fuck up?" Amar snaps, "Unless you people are going to tell me that you have some super-secret magic quill that can get me passed this exam I don't want to hear it."

"Someone's got their panties in a twist." Evie jokes.

Amar glares at her, "Freddie control your woman."

"You honestly think I have any control over anyone ever?" I say which makes Evie and the rest of them laugh.

The doors to the great hall open and McGonagall and Professor Kerensa come out and look at us all, "Each desk has a name on it. Find yours and take a seat. Fifth years are in the front, seventh years are in the back. I want all bags, coats, everything left at the very front of the room with me. Quills, ink, and extra parchment are provided. Once your in there you can't talk so wish your peers good luck out here." Kerensa says to us in his cold, dead voice.

Evie looks at me and pecks my lips, "Pass so we can graduate together in seventh year." She whispers.

"I'll do my very best darling," I say back to her.

"I love you, but your best isn't good enough for OWLs."

"Oi fuck you!"

"Maybe if you pass." Evie winks and walks into the great hall.

I watch her walk in then look over at Lou and Amar who are standing beside me with looks of disgust on their faces, "You're fucking whipped." Amar says.

"Yeah, I know dude. But have you seen Evie? You'd have to be dumb not to be."

Dominique walks past us with Molly and a few of their friends, "Don't fail Weasleys. You'll give our name a bad rep." Dom sings as she walks past.

"Just for that, I'm gonna blow the entire thing!" Louis shouts after his sister. Dom turns around and glares at him but because she's in the great hall now she can't say anything about his smart assness.

We head into the great hall together. It's my first time writing an exam in here, and it's absolutely terrifying. The seventh years all look prepared, ready to take the test whereas I'm over here thinking that I should have worn an adult diaper or something so no one can tell that I'm shitting bricks. Louis and I are sitting in the last row of fifth years, James is up a little way with the rest of the people who've got a last name that starts with P.

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