Part 2, Chapter 40- Ophelia's POV

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**A/N** Okay, after this chapter I definitely will not be back till the weekend... probably... maybe... you know what? We'll see! Hope you like it xx


New Year's Eve was great when we were younger, but now that the majority of us can drink and not get yelled at by our parents? It's pretty bloody fantastic.

Especially when Mum and Dad leave Freddie and Evie in charge as they go out with the rest of our Aunts and Uncle for their own little celebration.

"Evie and I are gonna go to the liquor store at the end of the Alley, you two text everyone in the cousin chat to stop by when their parents leave, more the merrier. None of your weird little friends though, keep it in the family." Freddie says to Cass and me as soon as Mum and Dad leave the flat via Floo Powder.

"That's not fair! You get Evie, Cass has Theseus, why the fuck can't I invite someone?" I say tossing a pillow at my brother. Ever since the wedding and the whole Mum seeing a hickey on Cassie's neck thing, and Theo catching them mid screw in the back shed, Cass and Theseus have stopped trying to hide the fact that they are together. But when I asked her about it last night when we were doing the dishes together she said that they still haven't put a label on it.

Which in my opinion is total bullshit, but what do I know?

"Can't I invite Josie?" Theseus asks from his spot on the bean bag in the corner.

"Lorcan and Lysander would probably like to come too!" Annabeth says. She's dangling upside down in the big armchair cause I dared her to stay like that for ten minutes.

Evie laughs and tickles Annie's feet making her scream, "I dunno, doesn't Josie's Dad work for George? And Lorcan and Lysander's parents are friends with your parents."

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine," Theo groans, "you lot can have all the fun. I'll just lock myself in my room and pretend that I don't exist.

"Okay, Uncle Harry calm down on the melodramatics," Cassie says. She's curled up in Theseus's arms on the couch beside me, both wearing the jumpers that Nan made for them.

Nan, as you know, didn't make one for Theseus at first but over the three days that we spent at the Burrow for Christmas and the wedding, Nan fell in love with Theseus apparently and stayed up all night after the wedding to make him a jumper that matches Cassie's and told him to come back any time.

Freddie, Annie, and I laugh at Cassie's comment and Theo just huffs again.

"Your Uncle Harry?" Theseus whispers to Cassie.

I watch her out of the corner of my eye stretch her neck up and place a soft kiss on the edge of his mouth, "I'll tell you later," She whispers to him.

"Okay, we'll be back, get everyone here. Maybe do the dishes, tidy up a bit?" Freddie says passing Evie her coat.

"Do the dishes?" Annie asks loudly, "We're inviting over a gaggle of idiots, not the bloody queen!"

Freddie and Evie leave the flat as I pull out my phone and message in the cousins chat that we've had going for years at this point,

ME- party at the flat tonight, Freddie Bear went to get booze but you're probably better off bringing your own too. I better see all of your sorry asses over here.

ROSE- your flat is so far away though

ALBUS- did you or did you not learn how to apparate? Dumbass

HUGO- Rosie you better be bringing me or I'll sue

JAMES- tell Freddie Bear to pick up some real alcohol, no more butterbeer, I'm tired of that shit

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