Chapter 66- Cassiopeia's POV

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Staying in Dad's old room at the Burrow is not all that it's cracked up to be. It's always cold no matter how many blankets you cover yourself in, and Ophelia snores like her life depends on it.

Like right now, two in the morning, Ophelia's snores are shaking the entire house and I'm wide awake because of it.

I roll out of my bed and put my slippers on and wrap myself in one of the blankets before shuffling out of the room and down to the living room. I can still hear Ophelia's snores, but they mix with everyone else's, even when we're asleep, the Weasleys are loud.

I make my way into the kitchen and get myself a cup of water before sitting at the kitchen table with my legs tucked under me and my blanket over my head, draping down my body so only my face is showing.

The clock on the wall ticks softly even though none of the hands are moving. There are eight hands on it, each one representing the original Weasleys. When Uncle Fred died, his hand on the clock fell off. Nan turned it into a necklace for Dad and he's worn it ever since. We've got one in our flat too, a family clock. Nan made it for Mum and Dad once Annie was born because they were both terrified of not knowing where we are, especially after what they went through during the war.

"What're you doing down here?" Dad says coming down the stairs.

I shrug, "Ophelia's loud, I can't sleep in the same room as her."

Dad comes down the rest of the stairs and comes into the kitchen, "When you two were born, Mum and I had to keep you in the same crib or else you would scream bloody murder all night." He says putting the kettle on and getting two mugs ready.

"I don't believe that," I say to him

Dad chuckles, "Honest, the first two years that you were on this earth you two were inseparable. Freddie was wildly jealous that he didn't have a brother to be best friends with." The kettle goes off and Dad pours the boiling water into both of the cups, adding two spoons of sugar and a dash of milk to both before, squeezing the teabag on the side of the cup and taking it out.

"Is that why you had Theo?" I ask Dad. He sits on the other side of the table opposite of me and puts one of the cups of tea in front of me.

"Oh no, we had Theo cause we wanted a big family. Mumma never had one and it felt weird for me not to have one coming from a big family myself." Dad says taking a drink from his cup.

I stare at my mug for a minute before picking it up and taking a drink. Dad and I have our tea in the same exact way. "How'd you know I was down here?" I ask him.

"I didn't know it was you, I'm not that talented. There's a squeaky board just outside of my old room. Your Nan and Pops did it on purpose after we drove my Dad's flying car halfway across the country to rescue Harry and your Mum one summer."

"Oh..." Is all I say.

We stay quiet till both of us have finished our cup of tea. I can feel my eyelids get heavier, the fact that it's 2 am and I haven't had any sleep is starting to catch up with me. Dad notices because he takes both our cups over to the sink and looks at me, "Off to bed now Cassie darling. I'll see you in the morning."

I gather my blanket around me and get up from the table, "Night Dad, thanks for sitting with me."


I can feel Dad watching me as I head back up the stairs. I stop just outside of the bedroom door and press my foot on each of the boards, sure enough, the middle one squeaks, not very loud but loud enough to let someone know that someone is leaving that room, I never noticed it before.

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