Part 2, Chapter 9- Cassiopeia's POV

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**A/N** Hey guys! I know that this chapter was supposed to be a Theo POV but I really wanted to write a Cassie POV for the Slytherin party. You'll see why *wink* Also please remember that there won't be any super *detailed* seggys scenes because Cass is still a minor right now and me, as a 20-year-old adult, refuses to write that sort of stuff about minors! So while there may still be some seggys scenes they won't be detailed! If you want to read that kind of fic about minors I suggest 1) getting some help, and 2) finding a different fic! Okay xx hope you like it


So maybe going to the Slytherin party after all the crap that happened over the past few days wasn't the best idea. But I mean, when have I ever been known to cope in a healthy way?

And drinking your body weight in butterbeer and fire whiskey is healthier than dark magic right? Maybe? I think my liver would beg to disagree but whatever.

I stumble over to the drinks table again and pour myself another shot. Someone who I don't know takes a shot with me and disappears into the crowd again. The air is thick with smoke of many different kinds, the smell of sweat, and the loud music blasting out of the eight different speakers that we have set up around the room.

Ophelia is sitting on the couch, talking loudly with her friends as some girl on her lap is sucking on her neck, Theo is dancing with Gilbert, Lucy, and their friend Oscar. I made sure that they weren't drinking before I started to drink. At least I think I did? Lily and Hugo are playing a muggle card game in the entrance to the boy's dorms along with a bunch of their friends. I haven't seen Annabeth yet but I don't think I want her here if I'm being honest.

The song My Strange Addiction by Billie Eilish starts to play and I weave my way back to the dance floor and I start to sway to the music, my hands in the air, not a care in the world. The more I drink the faster I forget what Ophelia did, how much of a hypocrite she's being. It makes my blood boil just thinking about it. It took all of my strength not to knock her teeth out.

I can feel a few people staring at me but I couldn't care less. The loud music and alcohol are making my brain fuzzy and I haven't felt this good in ages no one is ruining that for me tonight.

As I dance I notice that Conrad Hoffman, Brian Dean, and Elliot Shepard, all seventh-year Slytherin boys; all rich with Daddy's money, have turned the coffee table into a snuff snorting plate and they're getting lines of cocaine ready. That's one of the big things I hate about Slytherin parties. Nearly everyone in this house comes from a rich wizard family of some kind and that tends to mean harder drugs.

I think the younger kids get the idea that the party is slowly turning into sixth and seventh years only cause it's not long after that the room thins out. Theo waves goodbye to me as they leave; they know how to remove themselves from a situation, and I'm so very happy that they do.

But just because there are fewer people in the common room now doesn't mean that the parties over; in fact, it's quite the opposite. Somehow the music gets louder, the lights get dimmer, more alcohol is brought out.

"Shots! Shots!" Bailey Chang shouts from the drink table. She passes one to Darcy and they clink their glasses together before downing the entire thing.

I walk over to them, fully intending to take a shot of whatever it is that they're drinking when someone grabs onto my arm and pulls me away.

"You shouldn't drink any more tonight."

I can't see the person's face very well in this lighting but I could recognize that Greek accent no matter what. Sure it's faded away after all these years but only Theseus talks like that.

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