Chapter 6- Ophelia's POV

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**A/N** Hey guys! Pictured above is Ophelia's best friend Chandler Miller! Happy reading!


I don't talk to Cass for the rest of the trip. Calling Dad petty? Ridiculous. By the time the train pulls into the Hogsmeade platform, we are all changed into our house robes. James still has purple powder in his hair when I see him and he looks like he's out for blood. Freddie can take him though, and if all else fails I'll tell him that I did it, he doesn't get mad at me like he gets mad at Fred. I swear those two are battling for the man of the family position or something which doesn't make sense but does anything a boy does ever make sense?

I do my best to sit as far away from Cass in the Great Hall as I can. Which works pretty well given there are about seventy other Slytherins sitting at the table. After the second war Hogwarts is a lot more relaxed with the whole 'houses have to sit together' thing, but we've got to sit with each other for the big feasts.

"Sup Weasley." My best friend Chandler Miller calls when he sees me walk into the Great Hall. Chandler and I have been inseparable ever since the day we got sorted, he's the platonic love of my life.

"Miller! How's everything you big lug?" I say with a smile on my face. My other friend Elliott Shepard pats the empty space on the bench beside him and I plop myself down.

"You're looking rough," Elliott says to me with a smile.

I swat his arm and he pretends to be hurt by it, "Look better than you, merlin's beard did you ride on the top of the train on the way here?" I reach up to try and flatten his hair but he moves away from me smiling. I may not understand boys all that well but I do know that they make the best of friends. I don't really have any female friends that aren't related to me.

Down the table, Dominique is talking loudly with a few seventh-year boys she's friends with. She waves her hands in the air as she talks and hits one of them in the face by accident. I wish I was like her sometimes.

Once everyone is seated the Great Hall doors open again and Professor Longbottom... that sounds weird, calling him Professor when he comes over nearly every Christmas. Anyways, Professor Longbottom comes walking in followed by a gaggle of very small eleven-year-olds that are ready to be sorted.

"How many Weasley's this year?" A voice says from behind me. I spin around and smile. My very transparent uncle is floating behind me with the Weasley smirk on his face.

"Two. Hugo and Lily." I say back to him, "Hugo's aunt Mione and uncle Rons son and Lily is Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry's daughter."

Uncle Fred looks pleased, "Cannot believe that ickle Ronnie kins went and had two kids." He says it sort of sadly and a bit of my heart feels like it's broken off. Sure uncle Fred has met us all once we got to Hogwarts but he should be at nan and pops place for Christmas and birthdays. He should be at the joke shop with mum and dad, watching us grow up since day one. I tend not to think about it too much cause it makes me sad.

Uncle Fred shakes himself out of whatever trance he just fell into. He reaches out and sort of shoves his hand through my head like he always does, he told me that it's him trying to ruffle our hair which also makes me sad. "I'm gonna zip around to everyone else." He says almost sadly before zipping down the table to talk to Dom and her friends.

"Dude I wish I had an uncle that just floated around Hogwarts helping me prank the hell out of the school," Chandler says with a wicked smile on his face.

I roll my eyes, "Nah dude, it's not all that it's cracked up to be."

Professor Longbottom stands up beside the sorting hat and unrolls a big piece of parchment with a long list of names on it. I don't tend to listen to the first part. Potter and Weasley are so far down the list.

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