Chapter 21- Ophelia's POV

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**A/N** Hey guys! The above picture is Ash Nelson, also known as the "fittest girl in her year" Happy reading!


"Alright fuckers, this year is my last year to win the House Cup and I swear to god if I don't walk out of this castle without it I will come to each of your houses over the summer and kick your asses, understood?" Dominique says to the quidditch team as we are getting changed into our robes.

"I'd love to have you show up at my house during the summer Weasley." Conrad Hoffman, one of our Chasers says with a wink.

Dom rolls her eyes, "And I'd love for you to go out and run ten laps of the pitch Hoffman, now! Get off your ass and move!" Conrad hops off the bench and starts to walk out of the tent, "Move! Move! Move!" She's shouting like a drill sergeant, which at this point she pretty much is one. Hoffman picks up his pace and heads out to the pitch.

Dom turns to the rest of us. "Madron, work with the Chasers for the first hour and a half. You need to perfect your aim and they need to perfect their dodging. You're all good, I need you great." Lucas Madron, the other Beater besides Dom nods and he heads out of the tent with our other two chasers Vania Garner and Scorpius.

"Floyd, catch." Dom throws him a snitch and he catches it with ease, "I've got this from my aunt. It's a snitch that the professionals use to practice with. It's faster than any standard snitch and it also flashes invisible so you've got to keep an eye on it at all times. It records how many times you catch it. Don't come back in this tent if the number is less than fifty." Dominique watches as Theobald Floyd picks his broom up off the ground and heads out to the pitch.

She turns to me and sighs, "I'm working with you for the better half of the day. I need to practice beating the shit out of bludgers and you need to practice your flying technique from one hoop to the next."

"Do I really though? Scores have been at an all-time low ever since I joined the team." I say with some confidence.

Dom rolls her eyes, "Unless you're being scouted for a national team Ophelia, you have room to get better. Let's go." She grabs her broom from the nearby bench and picks up her club.

"It's because Victoire won the house cup in her seventh when she was captain isn't it?" I say walking beside her out towards the pitch.

Dominique huffs, "Louis isn't going to bring the cup home, the boy can't even fly on a broom for three minutes without eating shit." We stop by the keepers rings and she turns to look at me. "I can't listen to her boast about being the only captain to bring home the cup."

She mounts her broom and tucks her club into her belt. I mount my broom as well and we stand there for a second. "Don't tell her I said it, but you're the better beater." And with that, I kick off the ground and situate myself in the center of the middle ring.

From up here, I can see everything. Hoffman running his laps, Scor and Vania racing through the air with Lucas whacking bludgers towards them. It's pretty funny to watch Scorpius on one of the best brooms ever made fly around with ease and insane precision, as Vania tries desperately to keep up with him on her Nimbus two-thousand.


A bludger hits me right in the stomach and I double over on my broom in pain. "Head out of the clouds Ophelia!" Dominique shouts. I look at her with a scowl on my face but she's smiling ear to ear.

Practice ran late, leaving us only half an hour to get back to the castle and eat dinner. Which means that the entire Slytherin quidditch team came bursting into the great hall disgustingly sweaty, some of us bleeding, and sitting down at the closest possible benches.

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