Chapter 56- Cassiopeia's POV

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Just once I would like to have a normal family gathering. Like the ones you see in all the movies. Cousins laughing, talking loudly about their days and stuff. Getting to know each other, sharing deep, personal secrets.

Too bad I'm a Weasley.

"What do you mean Victoire is pregnant?" Rose says.

Dominique looks at her, "I mean she has a cluster of cells in her body that could turn into another body? Come on Rose you're supposed to be the smart one."

"I – I can't. Nope, I'm done. Victoire is dead to me." James says throwing his hands in the air, "She just broke up with Teddy! I mean honestly!"

Louis snorts, "Bit rich coming from you James. Tell me, how many times did one of your girls go to Madam Pomfrey for the morning after spell hm?"

"How many girls do you sleep within a week, James? Honestly, let's see how good of a person you are." Dominique spits.

James stands up, it looks like there's fire bubbling in his eyes, "She walked all over Teddy simply because she could."

Dom and Louis stand up now, both of them have got their wands in their hands, "Better watch yourself. Daddy's not here to protect you." Dominique says coldly.

"Hey!" Lily shouts scrambling to her feet, "Don't say that!" She has her wand out now too. So does James.

"Victoire is in the wrong here. You don't do that to someone you love." Albus says standing up and joining his siblings.

Louis laughs, "What do you know about love? Mister 'oh shit I forgot that my boyfriend's mum died today, quick Cassie makes a plan?"

As they fight loudly, threatening to hex each other to bits, I make eye contact with Scorpius on the other side of our blanket collection. I can tell from here he's hurt by the things that they're all shouting. This is Aunt Astoria's day. And they're ruining it for all of us.

I stand up quietly from my spot, no one seems to notice me moving along the edge of the blankets so I can get a decent angle. I'm mad... no, I'm fucking pissed. All I ask for is one day that isn't about them, that it's about someone that we all care for. And they're ruining it.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I say loudly pointing my wand at Dominique. Instantly she freezes over and falls to the floor. Everyone looks at me with wide eyes.

"Dude, what the fuck?" James shouts.

He points his wand at me but I'm faster, "Alarte Ascendare!" I say loudly. A bright light hits James square in the chest and he goes soaring straight upwards about ten feet, screaming like a little girl the entire time. On his way back down I manage to slow his fall so he hits the ground with a light thud instead of breaking all his bones. He looks at me flabbergasted.

"This is not about Victoire! This isn't about Teddy, or the Potters or fucking anything that has to do with you people! This is about Aunt Astoria and Scorpius and you managed to fuck it up like you always do! Christ! For once, ONCE can you people put someone other than yourselves first? You won't die if you're not the center of attention for a few fucking hours!" I don't really know where the sudden burst of anger comes from but Godric does it feel good. It's like something deep inside me finally snapped after all these years of being walked on by not only my family but everyone.

No one says anything. I stare each of them down, my breath heavy. My wand hand is twitching, waiting for someone to try and say something just so I can hex them. Once I'm satisfied that no one will say anything I walk across the blankets and go over to Scorpius, "Let's go." I say to him. I didn't mean for it to sound as harsh as it did.

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