Chapter 92- Cassiopeia's POV

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**A/N** Hey guys! I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated, a lot has happened! My laptop has started to glitch out and because I'm under lockdown because of the pandemic I haven't been able to get it fixed (right now I'm using my old laptop and it just doesn't have the same capabilities as my current one!). On top of that, I started university again, and honestly? Its a lot more time consuming than I thought it would be. But don't worry! I'll still be uploading when I can, probably once or twice every Sunday till I get a break from school! Thank you for being patient with me as I figure out a schedule. Also, sorry that this chapter is a little shorter, I promise the next one will be as long as my normal uploads! Lots of love and stay safe out there xx


I heard Mum, Ophelia, Theo, and Annie in the common room. But I was not about to go out there and face Mum right now. I'd say something that I'd regret and it wouldn't be pretty.

So I stayed in my dorm till I made sure that they were gone. And I studied in the common room in peace. Everyone knew that Dom was going to win anyways so there wasn't a point in going to the match. Especially when my entire family was there.

And all was going well till the common room door burst open and practically the entire school came barging in. Seventh year students started moving furniture around to make room for the party that is happening apparently.

Not many kids who aren't in Slytherin come in here, so watching everyone's faces when they first see the common room, see the lakeview, it's kind of funny. I gather my things as quickly as I can and bring them back into my dorm before heading out to join everyone. By the time I get back into the common room there's already a Gryffindor keg in the middle of the room and about a hundred different bottles on the desks that people are using for a bar.

"Cassie! Oh my god you missed it! Craziest fucking game of my life, we won three hundred to ten!" Scorpius yells over the blaring music once he sees me.

"I still don't really understand what happened if I'm being honest with you." Rose says as she pours her drink.

"Dom literally re-wrote how we play quidditch. I don't think Slytherin will ever play the other way ever again." Albus says as he passes me a cup full of something, "It looks like you need it."

Recently I've been less of a prude when it comes to things like alcohol so I take a big drink from the cup and smile at my cousins. Looking around the room I make eye contact with Fred who is with Louis, Amar, and Evie. I quickly look away from him, the anger that I have for my brother slowly creeping to the surface.

"Does anyone else think it's weird that the guy that has been flirting with Cass since he got here is now sucking face with a girl that looks just like her?" Albus says.

We all look to where he's looking. Theseus is fully snogging Georgette. So much for protecting her from his father or whatever it is that he was trying to do. Georgette pulls away from the kiss and kisses his neck. Theseus opens his eyes and makes direct eye contact with me before pulling Georgette off his neck and kissing her lips again.

I down what was left in my cup and pour myself something else. "What the bloody hell was that?" Rose whispers to me.

I shrug, "Dunno..." I put the cup that I just filled back down on the table, "Sorry guys, I'm not in a partying mood. Have fun though. Congrats Scorpius."

I take one more look around the room before walking out of the common room and down the tunnel into the rest of the castle. I don't really know why I'm feeling this way. Nor where I'm going but I just know that I've got to get out of here for the time being.

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