Part 2, Chapter 15- Ophelia's POV

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You ever get so much information thrown at you all at once that you go into shock?

That's how I feel right now, dragging my unconscious, smouldering sister out of the Room of Requirement.

Now that's a sentence.

Literally what the fuck is my life at this point?

Hey Ophelia, what did you do after potions class?

Oh the usual, watch my sister start physically smoking and totally fucking destroy a room without a wand and then drag her unconscious body out into the corridor to find some help, what about you?

"Oi! You! Get your thumb out of your arse and find me a professor!" I shout at a passing student as I get both myself and Cassiopeia out of the Room of Requirement.

I lay Cass down on the stone floor and just look at her. She's paler than usual, and there are beads of sweat on her forehead. Not to mention the black smoke coming off her skin. That's definitely not normal. It's like all the energy that she's ever had has drained out of her. I know she's still alive though cause she's breathing and shivering; like she's cold or something.

"Merlin's beard!"

I turn around and Professor Mannix is rushing down the corridor towards us.

"You gonna just stand there or are you gonna help me get my sister to the hospital wing?" I sort of snap at him.

He takes out his wand and carefully levitates Cassiopeia off the ground. She's as stiff as a board but she's still breathing, still shivering. It takes everything in my power not to cover her with my robes to make her warm but I'm scared to touch her. I've got to tell Mum and Dad.

Yeah, I know what you're going to say, 'Ophelia you just told her that you weren't going to tell Mum and Dad.' But that was before she passed out right in front of me. Sudden fainting spells after a mental breakdown deserve a call home.

I follow close behind Professor Mannix and Cassiopeia as the three of us walk... well the two of us walk and one of us floats towards the hospital wing.

We run into Theseus on the way, he's no doubt heading to the great hall for lunch when he sees us. I'm so worried that my dumbass sister actually did something bad to herself that I've nearly forgotten that she admitted her feelings for Theseus to me.


I make eye contact with the boy and he looks distraught seeing Cassie unconscious and floating along in the air like a sad helium balloon. Now under different circumstances, I would make fun of Cassie right about now, seeing the guy she fancies in the corridors. But it won't be very funny given the very obvious fact that she wouldn't be able to hear it.

We get to the hospital wing pretty fast and instantly Madam Pomfrey gets Cassie into a bed and bombards me with a hundred questions.

"Are you injured?"

"What happened?"

"Where was she?"

"She's your sister correct?"

It takes me a few seconds to register that Madam Pomfrey is actually talking to me and not Professor Mannix. I do my best to word it so that Cass won't get in trouble, but her health is more important than that right about now. I tell her everything that I know, how she was having what looked like an emotional break and there was this black steam or smoke that looked like it was literally coming off of her skin. And when she screamed, white light came out of her in a circular motion like she was an atomic bomb and destroyed nearly everything in the room.

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