Part 2, Chapter 73- Theo's POV

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***A/N*** so... I don't really want to say anything cause I don't want to spoil anything. Uhm... Let me know your thoughts in the comments and we'll uh, go from there I guess. Okay! Happy reading! xx


Flying is the worst class you can take at Hogwarts and no one can change my mind. I mean who actually wants to sit on a broom for an hour and a half trying not to crash into trees and the occasional bird as your professor screams at you from the ground?

Not bloody me.

"We will be having matches today! You will be graded on flying technique, communication skills, and participation!" Hooch shouts after blowing her whistle a hundred times over, "Your house is your team! Seven players with two alternates! I will choose the team captain and they will assign the roles!"

"Bloody fantastic," Lucy grumbles beside me, "I hate match days."

"Better than flying practical day," Oscar says on my other side.

Lucy looks across me so she can see him, "I'd rather do flying practicals than nearly get my head taken off by a beater who doesn't know what they're doing."

Oscar looks at her, "It was one time in second year! When are you going to let that go?"

"When I die. Actually, scratch that, if I die before you I'll come back as a ghost and haunt you forever whispering 'bludger' in your ear."

Oscar smirks, "I mean that much to you?"

Lucy frowns, "Not what I meant."

"I think that's exactly what you meant darling. It's alright, you can admit that you fancy me. I won't tell anyone."

"In your bloody dreams Finnigan."

"Yeah, you're right. Should have seen my dreams last night love."

I sigh, "Can you two please stop flirting when I am literally in between you? Save it for another time."

"We aren't flirting," Lucy says matter of factly.

Oscar shrugs, "I was."

"No, you weren't," Lucy says.

"I really was but it's alright. I'll keep trying till you actually acknowledge me."

I look at Oscar who has a confident look about him, then I look at Lucy who is looking down at her feet, her face as red as her hair, doing her best not to smile.

"You two have got to sort yourselves out," I say. Josie looks at me from across the field and smiles. I make my way over to her with butterflies in my stomach.

"Hey!" I say cheerily

Josie wraps her arms around my torso in a hug, "Are you doing anything tonight?"

I put my hands on either side of her face and smile, "No, not that I know of."

She smiles and leans into my touch just slightly, "My friends and I are thinking of having a little party in the Room of Requirement. I know you don't drink really but if you and Gilbert and Lucy, and Oscar want to join..."

I kiss her in between her eyebrows and smile, "It sounds great. I'll run it past them."

Lucy and Josie are in the same dorm but they're not the closest so it doesn't stress me out that Josie is asking me to ask Lucy and not just asking her herself.

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