Chapter 54- Ophelia's POV

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***Little authors note before ya'll dive in. There is talk of abortion in this chapter. And while you may not agree with it, please don't comment anything hateful or rude or anything like that. I try to write about things that have a very real possibility of happening and things like unwanted pregnancies and abortion are things that can and do happen in the real world. So... yeah. Be respectful. Thanks xx***

Do you know how disorienting it is to wake up on your couch to two women screaming at each other in French when you live in a single language household? Because I do.

And no, it wasn't the television, I'm not that dumb.

"Juste rentre à la maison!" ((translation- Just come home!))

I sit up on the couch slowly, Aunt Fleur is standing in the front door and Victoire of all people is standing in the living room.

"Pour que tu puisses forcer Teddy et moi à nous marier?" Victoire screams back, "It's not his!" ((translation- So that you can force me and Teddy to marry?))

It feels like all the blood in my body rushes into my head and I'm instantly dizzy. I can see Mum on the edge of the kitchen through the reflection in the mirror, she looks concerned. Why is Victoire even in the UK? I thought she was in Japan?

"Bien sûr c'est le sien!" Aunt Fleur snaps, "Qui d'autre cela pourrait-il être?" ((translation- Of course it's his! Who else could it be?))

Victoire pulls on her hair in frustration, "Teddy and I broke up a long time ago maman! If it was his I would be a lot farther along than six weeks!"

I'm slowly starting to piece things together. Victoire is home from Japan for some reason, but not really home because she's here... don't know when that happened, but she's also pregnant..?

"C'est pourquoi vous êtes rentré si soudainement. un garçon au Japon vous a mis enceinte et vous vous êtes enfui." Aunt Fleur says calmly, "What is your plan now Victoire? Will you be hiding at your auntie's house forever?" ((Translation- that's why you came home so suddenly. A boy in Japan got you pregnant and you ran away))

Victoire is on the brink of a breakdown I can tell, "I- I don't know! But I can't be around you and Papa as I try to figure it out! J'ai besoin d'espace. s'il te plait laisse moi un peu d'espace." ((Translation- I need space, please give me some space))

Aunt Fleur is furious now, "We gave you space and look what happened, twenty years old and pregnant. I thought your father and I raised you better than this."

That's when Victoire loses her mind, she starts sobbing violently, shouting half words that don't make sense to anyone in the room. That's when Mum decides to step in, "She can stay here Fleur, I'll make sure she's fed and watered." Mum says softly.

Aunt Fleur looks like she wants to pick Mum up and throw her at Victoire but she whispers a thank you to Mum and apparates out of the flat.

Victoire looks exhausted, defeated, broken. I'm not used to seeing her like this, normally she's so perfect and proper. "I'm – I'm sorry Auntie, for coming here in this way, but I couldn't stay at home and... I didn't know where to go."

Mum crosses the room quickly and hugs Victoire tight. They stay like that for a long time, Mum muttering things in her ear, things that I can't fully make out. Then Mum says, "Come on, you can stay in Cassiopeia's room unless you want to stay in Freddie's room. Which I don't recommend."

Victoire nods and follows Mum down the hallway, sniffing her nose the whole way. Once Mum comes back out into the living room she sighs and looks at me, "If you ever get into a situation like this darling..."

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