Part 2, Chapter 63- Ophelia's POV

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***A/N*** Hey! Back again with part 2 of Ophelia's POV! Fair warning this chapter contains 18+ content... actually it's pretty much all 18+ content... like, all of it. So, as always please be respectful in the comments like you always are and I hope you enjoy! See you guys soon, probably tomorrow, xx



Ash wasn't kidding when she said that she was going to be teasing me under the table all dinner. As soon as we sat down, she made sure we sat in a spot that was as far away from our parents as possible and she moved her chair so close to mine it was like she was sitting in my lap.

"Mister Weasley, your shop is very impressive," She says as her one hand fiddles with the button of my jeans, "Tell me, how do you and Missus Weasley come up with it all?" She manages to get the button undone and her fingers slip below my waistband.

"Oh well, we had help. It was origionally me and my brothers idea you see, we've always wanted to bring smiles to other peoples faces..." Dad starts to go off on his whole how he started the shop rant while Mum and Missus Nelson are laughing about mum stuff.

Ash nods along to the story pretending to listen. She uses one hand to lift her fork and take a bite of her stew while her other hand makes it's way further down my pants.

"Ash was telling me about this cream that you've developed, to prevent spots on your face? I'm impressed! I'm a dermatologist and I've never been able to find something that works as good as your cream." Mister Nelson says to Dad. Dad's face lights up, I don't think he's ever heard the word dermatologist before.

Ash's fingers make contact with my heat and my breath hitches in my chest. Thankfully, not enough for anyone at the table to notice. Theseus is too busy paying attention to Dad and Mister Nelson's conversation to care and Cass, Theo, and Annie are discussing their already growing list of possible names for our baby brother.

Ash leans closer to me, crossing her free arm over my plate. She grabs a roll from a nearby platter and whispers, "Quiet darling; unless you want them all to know how much of a fucking bottom you are."

"I'm not a bottom," I whisper back to her.

Ash adds some more pressure to my heat and softly rubs her finger around it in a circle. I bite my lip just slightly and my eyes flutter closed. She leans over to me, checking to make sure everyone is distracted before putting her mouth against my ear and whispering, "You sure about that?"

That's pretty much how the entire night goes. Ash edges me all dinner and then some so by the time Mum and Dad are walking her parents out to their car at eleven at night my panties are soaked. And it's all her fucking fault.

She gets up from the table innocently, slipping her hand out of my trousers and going to the sink to not only wash me off of her but to wash some of the dishes for Mum. I quickly do up my trousers and follow her over there, wrapping my arms around her torso and leaning my chin against her shoulder so I can whisper in her ear.

"You're going to pay for that," I whisper in her ear. I kiss up and down her neck before taking her earlobe between my teeth softly and nibbling on it.

Ash laughs like she hasn't got a care in the world, "Too bad I left my purse at home."

I roll my eyes, "That was the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Now you've ruined the vibe."

I pull away from my girlfriend but she spins around and pulls me back into her by my waist. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls my face towards hers, "No please," She kisses just under my jawbone, "What are you gonna do to me?"

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