Part 2, Chapter 69- Theseus' POV

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***A/N*** So fun fact, this was supposed to be up last night but instead of uploading it at 4am when I finished writing, I simply passed out. But here it is now! Hope you all enjoy and I'll be back soon-ish! xx


I never thought that I'd be standing in front of a mirror, fussing about what I am wearing, for anyone but Cassiopeia.

And definitely not my mother.

I suppose that a Weasley dinner might not have been the best way to introduce my mother to Cassiopeia and her family but I didn't think of that when George told me it was alright to invite her.

I love them with my entire heart. They've all been so kind and generous to me and very supportive of me and Cassiopeia.

But it's always a bit overwhelming when they all meet up, and my mother is very timid.


I don't know what my mother will be like at all. Violet made it so she does not remember my father.

I was not very close to her at all during my childhood, I never really even heard her speak, she had a Nanny to take care of me. Till my father killed her for something meaningless.

I have no idea who this woman will be.

I look at myself in the mirror again. The Weasleys are not a very formal family. That took some time to get used to. The more formal members are Percy, his wife Audrey, Fleur, Violet, Emma, and my darling Cassiopeia.

How Percy became the man he became living in a home full of chaos and noise I'll never understand. I don't think that anyone really does. Cassiopeia tried to fill me in on all of the family drama when I first met them all. According to her, Percy wanted to make a name for himself. And being young and impressionable, took a job working for the minister at the time. He failed to notice that he was being used by said minister because he wanted desperately to be the man he thought he should be. And after a row with his parents, swore the family off for good. Cass also told me that he suffered from major PTSD after the war, believing that it was his fault that Fred died and that everyone wanted him to die instead. That despite the family accepting him back with open arms he was terrified that he might do something wrong to upset them. Even now, that is clear. He's timid around his parents, especially around his father and George. And never really looks any of them in the eyes.

I think I relate to him more than I've ever related to anyone before in my entire life. I can't explain it, I'm honestly convinced that I'll never be able to explain it at all. It may be because he is so clearly afraid of happiness, or that he's terrified that he will mess something up, step on someone's toes and it will destroy the ground beneath his feet.

I feel like that every time Cassiopeia and I get into a row, or every time her family looks at me a little funny, or claim that I'm odd.

"There you are."

I was so lost in my own head I didn't hear the door open. Cassiopeia crosses the room so effortlessly someone may have thought she was flying, "The house is filling up, I was starting to get a bit worried. That you may have got overwhelmed with it all... That and Rose and Ophelia are setting up a karaoke machine and I'm a bit scared for what is about to happen." Cassiopeia's smile slowly fades off her face when she realizes I'm lost in my own little world, "Hey..." She whispers and touches my arm, "Talk to me please."

I turn around and look into her big eyes. Her eyebrows that are normally turned down into a constant state of unimpressed are scrunched together, showing how worried she is that something bad has happened. I take a breath and explain to her all that I've been thinking about how much my mother may or may not have changed, how I don't know who she is without my father, how scared I am that seeing me again will break whatever spell Violet used to clear her mind and she'll be forced to relive it all tonight.

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