Part 2, Chapter 74- Ophelia's POV

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***A/N*** Hey guys! Sorry this is so late! I spent the better part of today working on exactly what I want to include in my next book and *may* have made myself cry like eight times. But that doesn't matter right now because this chapter is anything but sad! You guessed it! This chapter contains 18+ content! Please be respectful in the comments like always and I'll be back tomorrow with a new chapter cause it's like 11pm where I am and I was up till 3am last night lol. Okay, enjoy and happy reading! xx


 "It's simple, we win today or I make sure that each and every one of you doesn't get any free time till our next match," I shout to my team.

The games today at noon. Which gives us six hours to get in the right headspace. And that means dragging all of them on my morning run with me.

"Hey, captain!" Theseus shouts at me as he stretches out his arms, "A little birdie told me that you're going to be playing for the Kestrels next year."

My team erupts in different variations of 'wait what?' while I glare at Theseus. He smiles really big and pretends to blow me a kiss.

I put my hand up in the air and the noise dies down, "I wasn't going to say anything till we won the bloody cup so thanks for that Avery. But yes, starting in September I will be training and playing with the Kenmare Kestrels. And if you lot win me the bloody cup I'll give you each season tickets for a whole year."

"Permission to say congratulations, Ma'am?" One of my chasers, June Wheeler asks putting her hand up.

"Permission denied," I say back to her, "Today is about kicking Ravenclaws ass. I want them crying cause we won so hard. I don't just want a win, I want a fucking defeat."

"Captain? Isn't your girlfriend the captain of the Ravenclaw team?" Conrad asks.

"Yeah, and?"

"Well, I was just saying that..."

I walk up to him and get in his face, "You think I won't be on the top of my game cause my girlfriend is soaring around on a bloody broom?"

"No ma'am."

"You think that I want this team to go easy on her just because she has sex with me whenever I ask?"


I nod, "Okay then, we run this route together! You keep pace with me. If you vomit, try to do it on the side of the path so we don't step in it during our second go."

The castle doors open and Theo comes out looking frazzled.

"Ophelia! There you are, can I talk to you?" They say coming up to me. When they realize that I am in the middle of something they sink down into themselves, "Sorry, but I really need to have a conversation with you."

"If you can keep up with me we can talk all you want," I say harshly. I love Theo almost as much as I love myself, but you don't fuck with me on game day.

They shrug, "Okay."

"Right then, let's go!" I turn away from the castle and break into a fast jog, Theo falls in line beside me and thirty seconds later the poor kid is out of breath.

"So... christ... uh I went to a party on Wednesday." Theo gasps.

I nod, "As fourteen-year-olds tend to do around here."

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