Part 2, Chapter 99- Theo's POV

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***A/N*** Hey guys! So, depending on how productive I decide to be tonight and how much sleep I want to get, the last two chapters might be uploaded today! If not, then they will be uploaded tomorrow along with the first couple chapters of "The Years Between". So... yeah! Keep an eye out. Lots and lots of love to you all and happy reading xx


"Let's go Weasleys! Let's go!"

Mum opens my bedroom door and flicks on the light, "Morning Theo!" she sings coming into my room, "Big day! Big, big day!"

I groan and roll over so I'm facing the other way and I pull my blankets up over my head, "Let Freddie get married without me. It's not worth waking up this early."

Now if Mum wasn't seven months pregnant, she would have thrown herself onto my bed and crushed me into my mattress. So thank you Hollis for still being in her stomach.

Instead, she takes a pillow from my bed and hits me with it, "Come on darling! Everyone else is awake!"

"There's no way that Ophelia is awake right now," I grumble.

Mum laughs, "Ophelia! Come get your sibling out of bed would you?"

I hear her heavy footsteps running through the flat and brace myself for the impact that is my older sister throwing herself on top of me.

"Godric!" I shout right as she lands on me, "Get off!"

"Get up!" Ophelia shouts, "Snuggly Bear Sweetie Pie is getting married!"

"I can't get up if you're crushing me!" I shimmy my entire body, trying to get out from under her.

Ophelia and Mum both laugh and she rolls off of me, "You people have got to learn a new way to wake people up, you know that?" I say sitting up and looking at them both.

"You can wear your pyjamas till we get to the Burrow," mum says, "We're all getting ready properly when we get there and the yard is set up."

Ophelia crawls off my bed and winks at me before she and Mum walk out of my room leaving me to my own devices.

I pull the suit that Freddie got for me out of my closet along with all the accessories that I'm wearing. I had Mum do my nails last night so they are long and burgundy, the same exact shade as the shoes that I'm wearing. It may be Freddie's wedding but I want all eyes on me.

Godric I sound like Ophelia.

Annie runs past me, nearly knocking me over when I walk out of my room, "This is the most stressful day of my life!" she screams. Her hair is soaking wet from a shower, the back of her onesie is damp.

"You're stressed!?" Freddie shouts from the living room, "I'm going to have a bloody stroke!"

"No one's having a stroke!" Dad says, "We'll be fine!"

Theseus walks out of Cassie's room and goes into the living room to talk to Freddie. Cassie comes out shortly after, dragging a trunk behind her, "Are we getting breakfast on the way? Bloody starving."

"Let's go people!" Mum calls as she comes up the back stairs, "It is four-fifty in the morning and I want us out of here by five! And by I, I mean Evie! She's been blowing up my phone all morning!"

Freddie comes into the hallway where we all are. His hair is standing up in a hundred different angles, "Evie's here? She's here? I really just need to hug her right now..."

"It's bad luck," I say to him, "You can't see her before you get married."

Freddie looks defeated. Theseus pats him on the shoulder, "It's fine mate, you'll see her in a few hours," he says to him.

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