Chapter 71- Cassiopeia's POV

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**A/N** Hey guys! The picture above is the face of a new character named Theseus Avery! You meet him near the end of the chapter so don't be confused lol. I want to thank one of my readers, SunshineAroma for giving me the idea of adding a new person into Cassie's life.



A flock of small birds fly out of the tip of my wand and flutter to the ground. I watch them for a second before raising my wand again, "Redactum Skullus." I mutter. The bird that I had my wand aimed at shutters and its head shrinks four times the size of the rest of them.

"Wicked," I whisper to myself smiling.

For the past week, I have been locked in the Room of Requirement instead of studying for my exams, practicing as many spells that I can find. If I'm not in the Room of Requirement then I'm in the restricted section of the library skimming the shelves for different potions and hexes to try out. One of the perks of being a student tutor is that I have full access to the library, which isn't the smartest policy for obvious reasons but I'm not one to complain.

Practicing dark magic has been fun. And I know I shouldn't say that... But I just shrunk the head of a bird and it's struggling to walk in a straight line right now and it's so much fun having that power. I would never use it on a person I don't think. No, I know I will never use this sort of stuff on a person. Getting injured by dark magic is irreversible, just look at my Dad and his ear.

The poor bird with a very small head falls over and struggles to get back up. I banish the rest of the birds before pointing my wand at the injured one. "Wait," I say to myself.

I tuck my wand into my boot for safekeeping and go over to the desk where my little notebook is. I flip through the pages and pages of notes and other hexes till I find one that I haven't used yet, "praepostero." I say to myself. I run my finger down my page of notes, if I do it correctly, bright purple light should hit my target and its insides and outside are reversed. Its skin would now be inside of its body and its innards will be outside, causing near-instant death.

"Couldn't hurt to try," I say before taking my wand out of my boot again and walking back to the center of the room and pointing it back at the sad excuse of a bird flopping around on the ground. I do what I always do before trying a new spell. Relax my shoulders, roll my neck, close my eyes, take a few deep breaths, then perform, "Praepostero!" I say as I slash my wand downwards.

Blinding purple light soars out of my wand and hits the bird. Instantly it changes from the dark brown colour that it was into a sickening red and pink blob on the floor. It takes me a minute to realize that it worked.

I walk towards it and bend down so I can take a proper look. Sure enough, there isn't a feather in sight, just internal organs and a lot of blood and bones. I take my phone out of my back pocket and take a picture of what was once a bird before casting evanesco and vanishing what was left of the bird.

The dinner bell rings throughout the castle. I gather my things and straighten my tie, making sure that I haven't got any debris or bird blood on my clothes before leaving the room and heading down the stairs towards the Great Hall.

"Tell your brother to stop being such an arse!" Lily says coming up beside me.

"What did he do now?" I say to her.

She huffs, "He and his gang of idiots have done nearly everything except set this bloody castle on fire! I can't move two feet without being hit by one of their dumb pranks."

"I can't do anything about it," I say coldly.

Lily groans but leaves me alone after that. She hops down the stairs and meets up with Hugo who is by the entrance of the Great Hall.

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