Chapter 61- Ophelia's POV

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"Christ, I never thought I would be happy to see your ugly faces!" I say as Dad walks into the flat with Freddie and Cass. "really ugly faces in Cassie's case. What the bloody hell happened to you?"

"Good luck trying to get it out of her," Freddie grumbles before he drags his trunk into his room.

"Yeah, Cassie why don't you come into our room so your Mum and I can have a chat with you okay?" Dad says to her.

She looks up at me with panic in her eyes but she follows Dad. The door closes behind them.

I knock on Freddie's door but I don't wait for a response from him before I walk in. He's lying in a starfish position on his bed. "What the hell? I leave you with her for a few months and she's getting beat up and becoming a dark wizard?" I whisper yell at him.

Freddie doesn't even look at me when he responds, "Right because I have just been sitting back with my dick in my hands instead of trying to help her out of whatever rut she's got herself in." He says to me.

"By the sound of things your dick has been in someone else's hands. Don't tell me you're putting this new girl ahead of Cass on your priority list."

Freddie sits up on his bed and looks at me, "I swear to god if you didn't have a brain injury right now I would smack you."

I walk over and sit cross-legged in one of the armchairs that he has by his window, "If she was comfortable with talking to you then she wouldn't have been sending me owls explaining all her shit... Bellatrix? Really? You threw that in her face of all things?"

Freddie flops back onto his bed, "not my best moment."

"You've never had a best moment."

Freddie reaches behind him and tosses a pillow at me. I catch it before it hits me in the head, "What happened to her face?"

"She won't tell me. But I don't think she was beaten up or something. That she would have told me about."

"You sure? After all the shit that you've been pulling?"

Freddie sighs but doesn't say anything. "Is your new girlfriend better than Petunia or whatever her name was?" I ask. Freddie sits up and looks at me with one of his eyebrows raised, "Don't give me that look, Fred, I'm fucking bored! The most interesting thing that has happened around here was Victoire showing up unannounced and pregnant. But she's gone now and not pregnant anymore."

Freddie laughs, "You must be really bored if you're willing to sit here and listen to my life."

"You try and watching Mum and Dad snog all the time or listening to Theo explain the different shades of green in his plants and what each shade of green needs. I'm going fucking insane."

"My ex was named Poppy. And yeah, Evie's a lot better than her. She's super funny, and down for anything. And she's got a killer taste in music. We actually did this massive fireworks show last night with Lou's help. I stole a bunch of the new firecrackers and Whizbangs from the shop in Hogsmeade and did a demonstration."

"UGH! Why do I miss everythingggggg! That should have been my firework show, you ass!"

"I wasn't the one that nearly whacked your head off your shoulders with a bludger so calm yourself," Freddie says. "And don't worry. You're going to meet Evie. Her and her parents are going to stop by for dinner sometime this week."

"Do Mum and Dad know that? With everyone back for the holidays the shop is going to be absolutely chaotic."

Freddie shrugs his shoulders, "They'll be fine with it. They have to be."

Before I can say anything Cass bursts through the door with tears falling down her fucked up face, "You told them? You told them what I wrote to you about?" She speaks in a harsh whisper. Her voice cuts through me like a hot knife cuts through butter.

Freddie looks between the two of us confused out of his mind.

"Unlike this fucking thumb over here," I say pointing at Fred, "I'm not going to let you casually destroy Slytherins reputation again and become some dark wizard!" I say to her.

"I'm not a thumb, if anything I'm a bit toe... no that's not any better," Fred says.

Cassie watches him with daggers in her eyes then turns her attention back to me, "I told you that in confidence. Between sisters. But no, just like everyone else in this fucking family, you can't seem to keep something to yourself!" She shouts.

"Cassiopeia Weasley! Watch your language!" Mum shouts from the living room.

All the sudden loud noise is making my head spin, I'm so used to being in the house without Cass and Freddie. I forgot how loud these two can be if they want to be. "You may have Fred convinced that you're alright, that you're just going through a phase or something. But I know you better than that. And I'm not letting you go down some dark and twisty path."

"YOU DON'T KNOW ME!" Cassie screams. Her loud outburst makes my vision go dark around the edges. It looks like I'm looking at an old picture.

"Don't yell man, please I can't listen to that," I say.

Cassie scoffs, "You can't listen to that? What? You and Fred are the only ones that are allowed to be loud in this house? You're the only ones that can show any emotion!? Ophelia, I trusted you and you took that trust, crumpled it up like a spare bit of parchment and threw it in the bin! I am allowed to be angry!"

I press the heels of my hands into my temples, Freddie sits up on his bed more and looks at me, "Leah, you alright?" I can hear the worry in his words.

"Course, you worry about her, but you call me bloody Bellatrix!" Cassie shouts.

Dad appears in the doorway behind her and clears his throat, "All of you. Enough. Cassie, go to your room and cool off. Leah, go lie down in a dark room and take a minute. Fred, your Mum and I need to have a chat with you." He says it so sternly that I think it puts each of us on edge.

We all do as we're told. Cassie pushing past Dad and marching down the hall to her room, slamming the door behind her. The loud bang makes my headache so much worse and I grab onto the wall for support.

"Christ Leah!" Freddie says coming over to me.

Dad takes my hand, "Fred, in the living room, Mum's waiting for you. I've got her." Dad orders.

Freddie doesn't hesitate, he walks past me and Dad and into the living room.

"I messed up," I say to Dad as he helps me into my bed.

He sighs, "You didn't mess up. You told us when your sister was struggling. That was the right thing to do. Your mum and I can take it from here. You can't push yourself any more than you just did. You worry about getting better. Me and Mum will worry about Cassie."

"What's the point in getting better if Cass is this pissed off with me?" I clap my hand over my mouth, "Sorry, I should have said mad instead."

"Cass will realize that you did the right thing eventually. There's probably going to be a really sucky part where the two of you don't get along very well but you'll be back to normal soon."

"Normal for Cass and me is not getting along Dad. She hates me."

Dad brushes a bit of hair off my forehead, "No one hates you bub. Rest up, I can already tell that this week is going to be a difficult one." He pecks my forehead and leaves my room. Once he closes the door my entire room is pitch black. I can hear murmuring coming from the living room as Mum and Dad talk with Freddie. And I think I can hear Cass playing her piano in her room but it might just be my imagination.

No one hates you bub

You sure Dad? Cause it fucking feels like people hate me right about now.

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