Part 2, Chapter 49- Ophelia's POV

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**A/N** Hi you beautiful humans you! For the next little bit, uploads might be few and far between but don't stress, I have not forgotten about this fic and I still have a load of new ideas that I can't wait to incorporate into this story! Lots of love and I hope you enjoy xx


I never really saw myself getting along with Cassie's boyfriend. Honestly I never really saw myself getting along with any of my sibling's partners. Then Evie came around. She fits in so well with all of us I honestly can't really remember what it was like before she and Freddie were dating.

And then Cass started seeing Theseus. Under no circumstances did I think he would fit in with our family, get along with any of us. He comes from a pretentious rich ass pure-blood home, fucked as all hell, but still pretentious, rich, and pure. So I thought that it wouldn't work.

Till I started actually talking to him. Sure we didn't exactly have deep, personal one on one conversations over Christmas but we talked, joked, got to know each other.

And now I'm hitting him with my favourite blue dildo, getting high, and talking about my first sexual experience with my girlfriend while Pia is passed out in his lap drooling on his knee.

"You're telling me, that the famous Ophelia Weasley, the girl who could turn any straight woman gay just for the day, has never finished before tonight," Theseus says. He keeps his voice down, not that I care if anyone wakes up and hears us, but because he doesn't want to wake up Cass. I've never seen him do big romantic gestures or anything for her but small things like this really drive the point home; he's desperately in love with my sister.

"That's exactly what I'm telling you. See, girls who just used me to get their fix or to see what snogging a girl feels like are terrified of vaginas." I say to him.

Theseus looks at me for a moment before cracking a smile. He does his best not to laugh too loudly but I mean have you ever tried to stifle laughter? It only makes it worse.

"I'm serious bruv. I mean they're fine with theirs but as soon as they see... no, as soon as they think about another girl's vagina they're turned off. So no one has ever gone down on me, or if they did it was nothing like what I experienced today. Four times. Four bloody times in one night, do you know how that feels?"

"I don't think you want me to answer that," Theseus says looking down at a sleeping Cassiopeia.

I scrunch up my nose, "You're right, I don't want you to answer that. I know that if Pia knew if you told me about your sex lives she'd string you up the whomping willow and leave you to die a slow and painful death."

"Oh trust me, I know."

"Oi that reminds me, actually this has nothing to do with anything we've been talking about, but quidditch..."

Theseus nods, "Quidditch."

"I've got four practices planned for this week, and then a six-hour one on Saturday. I'm asking you this as your girlfriend's sister and not your captain that will kick you off the team if you fall out of line, but is that too much?"

Theseus thinks for less than a second, "No, not at all. No other team works as hard as we do and it shows. Listen," he puts his hand on my knee, "If you want to win the house cup on your graduating year, I'd throw in another six-hour practice on Sunday too."

I laugh and he takes his hand away, "Six-hour practice on the Lords day?"

"The Lord would want us to win that damned cup."

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