04 February 2021

553 43 18


Fluke was cooking in the kitchen, the owner of house currently working in his home office.

Living together for almost a month was enough for Fluke to get used to how Ohm lived his life.

He'll be working 8 to 5 every weekdays and on weekends, he'll be in his home office for 3 hours from after breakfast and before lunch.

If they're together sometimes they'll share the couch and watch the tv or they'll put on a movie, Fluke preparing the snacks. Or sometimes, Fluke will be baking or cooking new recipes with Ohm as his guinea pig.

For the first week, they didnt leave the house much since Ohm's food stock was still too much. But with Fluke cooking regularly, they had to restock on the second week.

And yesterday, after lunch, both male made their ways to the usually grocery store Ohm visited to restock his food.

It was an international grocery mart, one that Fluke wouldn't ever thought to step into simply because the cost of items are more than he can chew on.

But with Ohm simply picking up stuff and tossing them into their trolley, Fluke could only widen his eyes.

'Rich people are breed differently.'

Now it's a Sunday and he's cooking a simple lunch for the two of them then suddenly he heard the bell to the house rang.

Somebody's at the door.

A month of living there, Ohm had never had any visitors.

It's only the two going in and out of the house.

Carefully putting down the spatula, he made his way towards the main door only to be stopped by the tall figure.

"It's okay, I'll get it. You go and continue cooking." Ohm said with a smile.

'Did he ran here?' Fluke nodded and turned around to go back to the kitchen.

Ohm on the other hand let out a sigh. Thankfully he got to the door before Fluke, if he didn't, he don't want to think of the commotion that's going to happen.

Resting his hand on the door knob, he slowly turns the door open.

"P'Ohm!" An excited squeal rang through his ears.

He smiles nervously. "Hi, Pan."

Fluke turned off the stove and was about to transfer the food to the plate when he heard a loud voice.

"That's a girls' voice." And sure enough Ohm came with another presence beside him.

"Fluke... This is Pan."

— — —

Fluke was trying hard to smile from behind his phone while looking at the two figure who was talking animatedly on the clinch across from him.

Well, at least one one of them is talking. The other was trying hard to reciprocate but with the way his eyes was constantly trying to look at Fluke, it seemed like he wasn't doing a good job.

"P'Ohm! Focus on Pan!"

Fluke giggled. "Focus on her P'Ohm." He mouthed to the older male who was trying hard not to make a face at the girl in front of him.

"P'Fluke, can I have a glass of milk?" Fluke jolted up by the sudden order but smile nonetheless before nodding and walking away towards the kitchen.

"Pan, I told you, you can't order Fluke like that. He's not a maid." The girl pout. "Nope, I'm not going to be swayed by that pout this time."

Pan gaped at the older male. "Alright! That's it! Tell me the truth! Who is P'Fluke? You NEVER say not to my pout. And then suddenly now you won't be swayed?"

OhmFluke A DayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon