04 January 2021

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Fluke Natouch is the type of person who only believes in science. All this bonded thing that's being said around is bullshit to him. He doesn't believe a bull crap about soulmates.

Oh, don't get him wrong, he has a boyfriend, and he loves him so much. But that doesn't change the fact about him, as he is also working in the science field so that makes him more sceptical about this whole thing.

Ohm came into his life when he was still studying. The older male studying filmography while him, in science, of course.

He at first was set on not talking to the senior who has been trying to woo the younger but with Ohm being so persistent, Fluke wasn't able to resist much further.

And so here they are 5 years later and their love growing stronger each and every day they're together.

Of course they had their ups and downs but at the end of the day they were able to overcome it.

It was another normal day at the lab when Mild, his co-worker comes to him with his iPad and an article opened.

"I think you should read this." The latter said, shoving said device into the smaller male's arm.

Fluke frowned and put down his phone before scrolling thru the article and sniggering.

"You know I don't believe in soulmates Mild."

"Yeah cause you said there's no logical explanation to it. Well, this one is scientifically proven. Are you still going to refute?"

Fluke pouted and read the headline again.

7 Signs You're Chemically Bonded to Your Significant Other, According to Science


"Read it first." Mild was fast to cut the other and Fluke had no other chance but to read the article properly.

1. You Can't Get Enough Of Your Partner

Ohm smiles at the male who was snuggling with him on the bed for the past two hours after they both had woken up.

He had a class to teach at around 11 and as much as he need to get up and get ready, the thought of telling the other male that he need to get ready was the last thing in his mind right now.

Fluke who had his face planted on the other's chest was smiling blissfully as he was serenaded by the steady heartbeat of the older male.

Being in the other's warm embrace was such a calming thing for him.

"Still won't let me go?" Ohm asked softly to which the smaller pouted and shook his head.

Ohm chuckled but nonetheless tightened his hold on the younger. "One more hour then."

Fluke smiles and snuggled closer of that was possible. One more hour is more than enough.

2. You Act Irrationally Around Them

"Are you being serious right now?"


"But P'Ohm is not even in our major!"

Fluke pouted and and turned to his boyfriend. The university is having a competition within faculty for the most good looking student and being in the science major, there isn't that much choice.

They've been wanting Fluke to join but the other has had his head set on getting his boyfriend to join for their faculty instead.


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