02 July 2021

413 42 13


"Fluke, are you going to go to sleep?" Fluke's father asked as he saw his son going upstairs after they finished watching the television. It was a little past 10 in the evening.

"Yeah." Fluke answered, stopping by the stairs with a nod.

"Aren't you going to wait till midnight?"

"I wanted to. But P'Ohm told me to go to sleep." He said pouting. His father and mother smile at their son.

"He must have his reason, go to bed then. You've been busy these days."

"Alright, goodnight mom, dad."

As soon as he was inside his room, he checked on his phone and saw one unopened message. It was a recent message, only 2 minutes ago.

Ohm : Noo, go to sleep now okay?

Fluke : 🙁 But I want to wait.

Ohm : No, you can listen to it tomorrow.

Fluke : But P'Ohm~

Ohm : Nooooo... Trust me on this. Please?

Fluke : 🥺🥺🥺 ...fine

Ohm : Good boy. Goodnight Noo~

Fluke : Goodnight P'Ohm~

He was pouting all the time when they were messaging each other but of course he'll do what he's told.

Ohm was adamant when he told him not to wait for the release of his single that night. He strictly told Fluke to wait until the next morning to listen to the song. Fluke was of course suspicious of this but didn't want to disappoint Ohm so he agreed reluctantly.

Thankfully it wasn't that hard for him to fall asleep that night, considering he had a lot of packing done that day with his family. So by 11PM, Fluke Natouch had gone to dreamland.

— — —

"Are you sure he's not going to wait for it?"

"Yeah, he wouldn't lie to me."

News nodded. "Why can't he wait for the release anyway?"

"Cause I've got a plan for him tomorrow"

"Oh yeah? And why am I not informed of this plan?" News crossed his arms and gave the younger male a stern look.

Ohm chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his nape. "I-I'm telling you now."

"You're lucky there's nothing on your schedule tomorrow." News sighs to which Ohm grins at. With only an hour of the release of his first single, Ohm told the older male about his plan and by the end of it, he was satisfied with the big smile splattered across News' face.

"Well, that seems like a solid plan."

"I know right." The younger said confidently, wiggling his eyebrows.

"So Note knows about it?" As soon as News finished talking Ohm widened his eyes in realization. He forgot to tell P'Note about his plan.

"Shit!" He scrambled to take his phone and quickly searched for Note's number before calling him.

News who was watching his move sniggers and shakes his head. "Clumsy."

— — —

Fluke woke up by his alarm. He set it at 9:00 in the morning and it was like the longest sleep he's had in a while.

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