17 February 2021

386 42 9

Ohm and Fluke's class is at the zoo.

They've already been talking about a class trip for about a month now.

"Is Noo excited?"

"Yes!" Ohm smile at the answer. They're still lining up before climbing to the bus.

His and Fluke's hand intertwined together.

"Okay guys, now get into the bus carefully okay?"

"Okay, Teacher Pu!"

Ohm raises his hand. "Teacher Pu, can Fluke sit in front because he's got mo—motor? sickness."

Teacher Pu chuckled. "You mean motion sickness?"


"Alright, Fluke you can go up first."

"Can Ohmmy sit beside me?" Fluke asked lowly, hands still holding onto his tall boyfriend.

"Of course."


20 minutes later they arrived at the zoo.

Before getting down, Teacher Pu made another announcement.

"Listen up guys, don't go away by yourself okay? If you need anything please inform the teacher here. And I want you to take notes to everything because for your alphabet lesson today, I want your word to have something to do with today's visit to the zoo. Is that okay?"



All the time they were at the zoo, Ohm and Fluke never let go of each other's hands.

Fluke dragging Ohm around whenever he run from one exhibition to another.

Not that Ohm mind. All he did was laugh and followed wherever Fluke wants to go.

"Should I use the word monkey for today's letter?" Fluke muttered to himself as their watching a bunch of monkeys jumping around eating bananas.

"They are cute." Ohm replied. Fluke nodded.

"We'll see. Do you already have a word Ohmmy?"

"Yup!" Ohm answered proudly.

"Uwah! Ohmmy is so smart!" Fluke proudly said, eyes glimmering. Ohm laughed.

"I can't wait to hear what your word is." The smaller boy said giggling.

"I can't wait to hear yours too."

"It's probably going to be something stupid." Fluke pouted.

"Hey! Nothing is stupid coming from your mouth, okay?"

"Hehe. Okay."

— — —

"Did everybody have fun?"

It was break time and they class is at the cafeteria. After this they'll return to the kindergarten and went back home straight away.


Teacher Pu smile. "Okay, since you guys behave so well today, instead of asking you one by one on the word and sentence for today's letter, I'm going to give each and every one of you a piece of paper and I want you to write the word and the sentence then pass it up to me. Is that okay?"


"Good! Okay, could you please pass that up please Tam? Thank you."

The paper was pass down the line and the students got their pencils ready.

"Do you remember the letter for today?"


"Good~ I'll give you 10 minutes then you pass your papers to me and eat your lunch alright?"

The children nodded their heads.

Ohm looked at his papers and smile. He didn't need 10 minutes because he had already had his word and sentence the moment they set their foot into the zoo.

He turn to his left and look at his lover.

Fluke is still pouting and his paper is still blank.

"Noo, you don't have your word yet?"

Fluke shook his head.

"Do you want me to help?"

"No, it's okay. I'll think a lot harder." The small boy answered and frown harder before he smile.

"Got it! Thanks Ohmmy!"

"You're welcome?"

Soon the time was up and like promise every student pass their paper to Teacher Pu and eat their lunch before finally getting back into the bus and going back to the kindergarten.

Teacher Pu was checking on the papers one by one in her desk that night.

A lot of the students use the same word such as monkey and meerkat and other animals they saw that starts with M.

She finally got to Fluke's paper.

"Moving, the bus was moving very fast to the zoo but Ohm never let go of my hand the whole time."

She read before chuckling. Fluke's answers are unpredictable sometimes.

Then she got to the last paper, Ohm's paper.

"Memories, I made a lot of memories in the zoo today but my greatest memories was whenever I spent time with Fluke."

She bit her lips and laughed.

"Even when they're not here they're making me feel single. Damn it!"


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