10 July 2021

449 36 16

A Repost

It's getting darker easily lately.

I don't need to run away to hide me.

Ohm sighed as he simply kept re-reading the lines on the falling leaf he held. Another desperate message. Again. He thought to himself.

Sitting down on the shadow of the old tree in his school's backyard, he pulled out a bunch of leaves from his bag. He started to re-read the leaves he collected five weeks before.

The stars shine so brightly blind my eyes.

Nobody dares to question me why I cry.

That was the first message he got.

It was Wednesday; six weeks before. He got a detention to sweep his school's backyard because his math teacher caught him sleeping instead of listening to him. Grumbling, he swept the leaves lazily which unfortunately kept falling from the tree. Cursing and groaning desperately, he threw the broom down the ground; making the mountain of leaves scattered around and flew away due to the breeze. That's when a certain leaf fell on him.

He should have thrown the leaf away, but he didn't. He didn't know why himself; but there's something in those words that caught him off, like there's invisible string attached to him; like a spell.

He didn't bother to think what he did might sound weird when he found himself walking through the yard; approaching the old tree next Wednesday, at the same time like in the previous one. He might be crazy, but he was seriously looking for a particular leaf. He had no idea how, he was just sure that he'd find that leaf. It might just be his intuition after all.

He looked around the scattered leaves on the ground. And just like his eyes had its own radar, he could notice a yellowish-green leaf with the red ink written on it. He rashly picked the leaf.

River tears flow away still.

Yet the stars don't even mind reflecting on it, still.

Truth to be told, Ohm badly had no even slightest idea what the words were about. All he could feel was just plain pain. It made him want to protect whoever wrote those messages. He wanted to sweep away the pain. And so he decided to stalk on the writer.

Ohm literally ran to the old tree, just right after his last class was dismissed. Wishing he could meet the writer, but he found no one there. Groaning as his hope crashed down, he roamed the leaves. He started to panic when after five minutes he couldn't find the leaf yet. He kept searching for the next five minutes. He smiled like he won the world as he spotted a leaf stuck in the middle of a roses' bush; which was like ten meters from the old tree. It might be the wind. He thought.

Blinding my sight is tiring.

Shining my light is exhausting.

It became his habit in the next Wednesdays to run to the backyard. As much as he wanted to find the one who left those messages, he still couldn't see anyone other than him passing by there as the school time was over.

He frowned deeply at the fourth leaf.

Faking the smiles, faking the laughs.

Faking the fact I have my eyes.

And again on the fifth Wednesday, he failed to find the person he longed to see. There's just another message caught in between the waste leaves.

Many stars, many praises.

I'm just living the lies.

— — —

Determined Ohm is so determined. That's why he ends up skipping his last two classes just to climb the old tree and hide himself securely through the dense leaves. Yes, he frustratingly wants to know who the writer is. He has had enough of six weeks being so bothered by those gloomy messages.

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