31 January 2021

565 40 10

Fluke waved to the car as they bid their goodbye. P'Note had already open the door while he was still saying goodbye to Praew and Ploy.

They have just finished doing the live reaction and it was nearing midnight when they arrived home.

"Go and bath then sleep, Fluke." P'Note ordered the younger male once he entered the house. Fluke nodded as we made his way to the stairs.

"Night P'Note~"

"Night Fluke~ Don't stay on the phone too long."

Fluke blushed. "I won't."

He reached for his make up remover as soon as he entered his room. His other hand taking out his phone and immediately replying to the message that he haven't answered.

'I just got home Phi.'

Few minutes later a reply came.

'Have you showered?'

'Not yet, I'm gonna go now. BRB.'

And he quickly put down his phone and took his towel to the bathroom.

20 minutes later, freshly showered and with his pyjamas on Fluke flopped down on his bed.

He was just about to take his phone when the device started ringing.

Smiling, he tap on the answer button without even checking on who was calling. It was obvious.


"You know me too well."

"Well, you're mine aren't you? Of course I know you Noo."

The smaller male giggled. "Are you going to go to sleep now too P'Ohm?"

"Hm... Not yet. I need to do something first."

Fluke tilt his head. "What is it? I don't know you have a schedule now. Are you filming?"

"No." Then he heard P'Note squealing. Was that downstairs or in the phone? That's weird.

He sat up on the bed. "I think I heard P'Note downstairs. Alright P'Ohm, if you're busy I shouldn't bother you now." He said, standing up and was about to walk towards his door when Ohm suddenly shouted in his ears.

"Noo wait!" Which made him stop.

"What's wrong P'Ohm?"

"Don't move."

"Ha?" And the door to his bedroom opened, revealing the taller male. "P'Ohm!"

Ohm smiles and hang up the phone before walking towards his lover and pulling him into his embrace.


"Ha?" Fluke was bewildered. He wasn't expecting the younger male to come and see him. Furthermore it was already so late.

"What are you doing here?" He mumble as he presses himself closer towards the bigger male. Inhaling his familiar scent.

"I miss you." Ohm replied.

"Don't do anything up there! Fluke still have to walk properly tomorrow!" P'Note shouted from downstairs which made Fluke blush.

"Shut up P'Note!"

Ohm laughed, pulling away from the hug a little. "Are you alone?" He nodded at the question. "P'News is not here?" This time he shook his head.

"Did you drive by yourself?" Another nod. "Did P'News know you're coming?" He smile sheepishly which earn him a smack on the chest by the smaller male.

"Why didn't you tell him?!"

"Noo! That hurts!" He whined. "And if I told him, he certainly won't let me come here."

"Then don't! Your safety is more important P'Ohm!" Fluke said exasperatedly with a frown on his face.

"But seeing you is important too Noo. And I need to see you tonight." Ohm said with a pout.

"What is so important that you need to see me tonight?" The older male asked. Ohm didn't answer, instead he pulled the smaller to sit beside him on the bed. Them facing each other, holding hands.

"I want to say, that I'm so proud of you Noo. Today's episode is sad, it's your last appearance but you character left such an impact. Not only on other but on me. Like what they said on twitter, Yok will be remembered."

Ohm softly said which brought tears to the smaller male. While doing the live today he didn't get to talk much with Ohm since he was busy with the live as well as playing the tag on twitter.

Hearing this being said by his lover tugs something in his heart. He was sad that his character is ended but seeing as how people liked what he did as Yok, really brings him a moment of proudness.

That was why he was sad when the series didn't get to be shown before, because he knows how good it is. Thankfully people get to see it now.

"Thank you P'Ohm." He sniffles. "I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to you earlier."

"It's okay Noo. I know you're busy." Ohm answered, wiping the stray tears on the soft cheeks away.

"Tomorrow is your turn." Fluke said, wiping his snots with the sleeve of his shirt. A smile appearing on his face.

Ohm chuckled. "Yeah."

"I'm so excited to know how P'Mai end!"

"I can always tell you, you know."

"No! I want to find out with the others!" Ohm had always been wanting to tell Fluke how the series ends since Fluke always tells him he wonders how the story goes.

However the smaller never agreed to be spoiled. He said he's going to watch the series with the fans and found out himself.

This made the taller happy, knowing how the smaller supports him fully.


"Are you going to sleep here?"

"Looks like it. I'm too lazy to drive back home. Plus, P'News is going probably going to kill me so let me have you in my arms before I die."

Fluke laughed as they both settled themselves in the bed. The older quickly diving into the other's arms.

"I'll tell P'News not to kill you." He said.

Ohm chuckled and nodded. "You're going to your new house tomorrow right?"

Fluke nodded. "Yup, a lot of stuff is arriving tomorrow. I'm so excited!"

"I know. I'm so excited for you too." The younger said, tightening his hold on him.

They boys stayed silence. Ohm knowing how the smaller male is actually exhausted. He softly caress the soft hair to lulled him to sleep. 10 minutes later, he can hear the steady breathing of the smaller.

"Good night Noo. I love you."

Even if P'News will kill him tomorrow, it's all worth it for his small lover.


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