24 May 2021

539 47 41

"Are you ready to order now, sir?"

This was the umpteenth time the waitress had come to his table.

"Not yet, he must be running late. Can you come again later?"

And that was the same answer he gave to the server. He hated the smile of pity on the waitress's face.

On the people around him in the restaurant.

He's been sitting there for more than an hour, waiting for his supposed date.

'I knew I shouldn't have come. Damn it Ohm, when will you ever grow up.'

They met on a dating app. They've talked with each other for more than 6 months before they finally agree to meet.

Setting the date itself took longer than Ohm expected, and that should've been the first clue Ohm. He seemed so hesitant to meet you, you should've seen this coming.

He let out a sigh. The looks from people are beginning to weigh on him and he can see the server coming back to his table.

He was getting ready to just leave when suddenly an unknown presence who's smaller than him sat on the vacant seat in front of him.

"Sorry I'm late babe, got caught up with work and traffic is not helping, at all." He said before adding, "I'm Fluke, just go with it, yeah? Whoever didn't bother to show up is a dick—" quietly.

"Ready to order sir?" The same waitress asked, with a smile on her face.

"Oh yes please! So sorry I was late, but we're ready to order." This man, Fluke, said enthusiastically to the girl.

Ohm nodded with an unsure smile but proceeded to place his order too.

When their order was taken, Ohm no longer felt as if he's being watched by the people in the restaurant, it was just quietness on their table.

"So..." He began, gesturing to their situation.

Fluke took a sip of water from his glass before smiling. "Okay, sorry. But I was actually just hanging around on that bench there—" He pointed towards a bench just outside of the restaurant, near a fountain. "—and I can clearly see that you've been sitting here all alone for more than an hour and I just feel so bad. I'm sorry if I'm interrupting."

"No, no. You're not interrupting anything. I should be thanking you. So, thank you... Fluke?"

"Yes." His smile keeps getting bigger, Ohm can feel his heart flutters.

"So, wanna tell me what happened? I mean, we do have some time to spend, might as well just talk, don't we?" Fluke asked, just then the server came with their orders.

"Enjoy the meal." Both male smiled at the girl as a courtesy.

"Nothing much actually. Was supposed to be meeting someone, but he didn't show up."

"Your boyfriend?"

"No, just a date. We met on an app."

Fluke let out a "Aahhh..." while nodding his head. "A dick indeed. Have you been talking to this dude for a long time?"

Ohm put down his fork and knife, he's having steak by the way, he figures no actual date so might as well go all in and order for the steak without having to worry about making a mess out of himself, before using the napkin to wipe his lips. "Today would be our 6th month and 18 day of talking to each other, until he didn't show up and I texted him "You're a dick." and deleted our conversation, blocked his ass and here I am, talking to a stranger." He finishes with a smile.

Somehow the hurt he's feeling earlier was starting to dissipate.

The male in front of him chuckled, almost choking on his pasta. "I'm sorry, it's just, damn you're fast to block him. Good for you tho." He said. "What's your plan after dinner?"

Ohm looks at the man in front of him. "Why?"

Fluke shrugged his shoulder, stuffing his mouth for another mouthful of pasta. "Just in case you already made plans and booked something, your money won't be wasted if we go." He said, mouth full of the carbonara that Ohm almost gagged but the dude is too cute he decided to let that pass.

"Are you actually taking advantage of this situation?" Ohm asked, the tip of his lips lifted up to a side smile.

Fluke wiggled his eyebrows. "Who knows." He said with a teasing smile which successfully made the taller male chuckled.

"I might have a movie ticket for Godzilla vs Kong for two." He grinned at the widening eye of the male in front of him. "I take it that you want to join me?" His grin was turned to a full blown laughter by the enthusiastic nodding from Fluke, he might break his neck.

"Okay, okay, stop it, I don't want my boyfriend to snap his neck on our first date."

If he saw Fluke's cheeks reddening because of what he just said, he didn't point it out.

True to his words, they left the restaurant after they both finished their meal because the movie was about to start.

Both didn't have cars but the theater is pretty close so they ran to it, laughing all the way there. Thankfully nobody's food came out despite the sprint that they had.

They got into the theater when the advertisement was playing.

"Wow, sly man, you picked the couple seat." Fluke stated once they were settled in their seats. Ohm chuckled. "Too bad for that loser, this is the best seat to watch a movie." The smaller male added, already munching on his popcorn.

Yes, they still find time to buy popcorn because as Fluke said, "How can you watch a movie with popcorn?! What will your hand do then?"

Ohm almost retorted to it but decided against it, and bought them popcorn.

Needless to say, he may have wasted an hour waiting for a douchebag, but he got something better in return.

And did he ask Fluke for a real date after they were done that night? Yes, yes he did.



OhmFluke A DayHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin