16 May 2021

529 42 9

Fluke was in the kitchen, preparing the set of order for the sausages. He was happy that there were a lot of orders even though he haven't open any order for a while now.

He didn't care about making profit. All he care was that he's finding way to reach his fans.

He wanted the fans to know he loved them and they did say a way to show someone you love them is by food.

He chuckled at the thought.

Is that why you keep making food for P'Ohm?

"Fluke, is that the last one?" Came P'Note's voice from behind the kitchen.

"Uhn." He nodded, putting on the stickers on the packet.

"Okay, I've called for the delivery man. He should be here in a few minutes. Everything is ready." His manager slash father figure for the past years said.

He nodded once again, placing the package with the other orders.

"P'Note, after this can we go to P'Ohm's place?" He asked, timidly. He still can't drive without anybody sitting beside him  and P'Note is the only person available now.

His parents both out to the market and his sister with her work.

He blushed at the smirk from P'Note, pushing his glasses back to its place.

"Sure ja~"

After the food had been passed to the delivery man, they packed their stuff and went into their car before leaving the house.

It didn't take more than 30 minutes for them to arrived.

"I'm going to just stay here. Don't be too long." P'Note said, playing on his phone.

"Okay." Fluke replied, taking the plastic from the back seat and exiting the car.

He walked towards the door and was shocked when the door was open without him knocking on it.

It was Ohm. "P'Ohm..."

"You're here!" Ohm exclaimed opening the door wider.

"I can't come in P'Ohm, P'Note is waiting in the car." He said, pointing to his car.

Ohm pouted, he was excited to spend time with his baby. "I should've come to your place instead." He muttered which Fluke chuckled at.

"Here, hope you enjoy it." The smaller male said, passing the the plasticky with the sausage in it to his boyfriend.

"Aww... Thank you Noo. Wait let me take my wallet." He was about to enter when Fluke grabbed his wrist.

"No need P'Ohm."

"Noo, you keep giving me these for free. That's not fair."

"B—But, I want to feed you." Fluke muttered under his breath.

Ohm smiles at this lover. "Dammit if we're not outside I would've kiss you right now."

Fluke blushes, smacking the taller male's on his chest.

Then he car was honked. They both turn to look at P'Note in the car, acting as if he's showing the time on how non existent wrist watch.

Fluke chuckled. "That's my que. I'll see you tomorrow for the live P'Ohm."

"Okay, bye Noo. I love you."

"I love you too."


A/N : I still haven't had the inspiration for yesterday's au continuation. Huhuhu

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